Chapter 5:Of the things I wish I knew.

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  "I thought you just said they told you?" Ava says defensively. 

 "They didn't I just thought you knew why they were arguing, oh my god!" I feel surprised and betrayed at the same time. Not by the fact that it's a relationship but that they felt the need to keep it from me! I am so close with both of them and neither one of them figured to tell me.

 "Please don't tell Teddy I told you! Please! They will kill me." Well with this information I am going to kill Teddy. 

 "Girls come down now we're leaving Phoebe!" My dad yells.

"This isn't over Ava!"

 On the way home Teddy looks gutted but I cannot contemplate caring at the moment. He lied to me for god knows how long and if Ava knew most likely Mom and Dad knew. Everything feels different with this little piece of information. Gabriel always wanted to go to Virginia for a possible record deal which I should have caught on to because his music has never been shown much interest. Teddy and Gabriel have always been so close and I never questioned it. It was so obvious and I never noticed how they felt about each other not once. My anger replaces itself with that of worry, Teddy seems more somber than he did 3 minutes ago and he did at breakfast. Something is not right. 

 Inside the house I see that Mrs. Taylor and Luke are watching the television, a gossip channel no less. 

 "What are you 2 up to?" My dad asks. Luke points at the television with a look of intense worry and smiles at me sincerely. 

 "Yesterday at the annual Grey Gala for charities Grant James was spotted dancing with none the other than Ms. Phoebe Grey. The 2 were seen dancing for a while then disappearing into the night to not return until 1 in the morning. Now the same question is on everyone's mind, Is Phoebe Grey Grant's new assignment?" Assignment? What does that mean? 

 Everyone is starring at me now including my dad. No one seems angry but him and his next move is to call Barney, "Barney I want a full background check, including everything that the press has, on Grant James. Yes I am aware on who he is!" Dad slams the phone on the table almost breaking it. "Is there anything you would like to add Phoebe?" 

 "Yes..." I say trying to come up with something clever. "I hope you have insurance on that phone because you seemed to have cracked it." Walking away I here the sigh of annoyance emerging from dad and pats on his back from mom. Just because it's in the press does not make it true, I tell myself 3 times before giving up and deciding to take a nap. 


Keegan sits in the middle of the very large table in the conference room in the hotel. The vain on his forehead is throbbing and it looks like he wants to strangle me, bring me back to life, and strangle me again. "So when I said hey boys stay away from the Grey family,  you heard start a major scandal with the only girl Christian has? Are you fucking insane? " I could plead guilty and hope for the best but I decide against it.

"I don't see what the big deal is, She's just a girl."

He begins to laugh but not a funny laugh,  a laugh that reminds me of a mad scientist. "She is not just a girl Grant, she's the girl! Because if you hurt the daughter of one of the most powerful businesses men in America,  you are dead. Youre bad is dead. I will be dead but not before I help Christian's hitman kill you!"

"Well that sounds like something you've thought about a bit Keegan." My joke does nothing to lighten the mood and Liam shifts in his seat. Matt and Connor just look at me with admiration most likely because they saw Phoebe at the party.  "Understood Keegan."

"Look, I want you guys to be happy but after the mess with Alex and Matt's strip club videos,  this band doesn't need another relationship scandal."

"I promise it's just casual."

"Just be careful Grant please! Youre complicated."

I nod in agreement and then leave the conference room to call Phoebe. I need to take this girl on a proper date.


 Okay well I hope you're enjoying so far but I just want to explain a little before we move on. The decision to make Teddy gay was a hard one and one I thought about a lot. On one hand I wanted Teddy to be like Ana, to fall in love so vastly that you can't see yourself plummeting to the ground till it's too late, on the other I wanted him to have a problem that even Christian himself could not contemplate. The decision to come out to the person you love the most is something that so many people have trouble with not just Gabriel. However Teddy feels safe enough to tell everyone but Phoebe to protect Gabriel and give him time with his decision, but keep in mind that they have been dating in secret for a year now. Christian can't help Teddy with this because in all honesty most parents can't. Teddy wants to move on and be free but he also understands that Gabriel isn't so it is best if he moves on. I wanted to make Teddy Gay because I wanted people to maybe understand how hard it is to lie to people you love because of the situation involving coming clean and keeping secret forever.  

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