Chapter 16: In The Wake

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Liam drives like a little old lady stuck in traffic. I need fast and the furious here! She's in the hospital is all I know. Oh shit! Her dad! Her dad hates me! I am not so fond of him either,  but I have dealt with him. He seems rather controlling of Phoebe, never wanting her fully alone, so why was she alone? Everyone on the highway is driving rather slow today.

 "Would you stop tapping your God damn leg I am driving as fast as I can. And the news said she's alright." He doesn't get it. I don't get it either really. I don't know how to love this girl; I don't how to love her the way she needs to be loved anyway, but I know that I do love her. So much has happened from last week of seeing her for the first time, but still, I can't help but think that whatever we are wont last. She's beautiful and trusting, she is too trusting actually. She trusts me and she shouldn't, and yet she has already given me every part of her. God damn this girl has me in a headlock of emotions,. "Grant; can I ask you something?" 

 "Yeah what?" 

"This Phoebe girl, you like her right?" 

 "Yeah I think I do." Key word: think. Why am I such an ass? 

 "Well in my most humble opinion, if you want this to work with her maybe tone it down a bit." 

"Tone it down a bit?" 

"Don't sleep with her! Your guy feelings are overshadowing your romantic feelings. Just talk to her. Go out on dates. If she isn't the girl for you you'll get that a lot quicker if you just get to know her." 

He is right. I just do not know how. This is such unfamiliar territory for me and if I hurt her I don't know how I could live with myself. I hurt Alex and now she is some crazy nut-ball running around, probably wanting to chop off my balls and show them to me. How does one go from playing the game to respecting the other players? 

Arriving at the hospital Liam and I rush to the front desk but ram into another guy as well. A tall man that I think I have seen before. His black suit and off-putting expression trigger my memory that he is one of  Phoebe's security. He clearly remembers me as he goes stiff and his eyes linger on mine with a burning hatred I have only seen from Grey himself. Does Grey train them to be so frightening? 

"What can I help you gentlemen with today?" He asks mainly looking to Liam. Everyone always prefers Liam. 

"Phoebe Grey!" I answer.  

The nurse at the station answers before Grey's security can," Down the hall then to your right." 

Instead of running, we all walk at a quick pace. I hear Liam ask someone their name behind me, a man, that I didn't notice was waiting at the nursing station as well, "Gabriel but Gabe is fine." I recognize him as the slick guy Phoebe sang a duet with the night we met. Her brother's boyfriend. 

Her family waits in the hall next to her room. Christian catches my eye with nothing but utter hatred, but that is alright because I expected nothing else from him. I thought my encounter was going to be the worst but the way Teddy and Gabe are staring at each other tells me differently. We all lose focus and look right with them. Gabe looking longingly at Teddy while Teddy looks absolutely crushed but expected Gabe's arrival. 

 Teddy stands and kisses his mother. "I'll go get coffee for everyone; Aunt Kate will you help me." She nods. 

"I can go with you if you want," Gabe says to Teddy but Teddy looks like if Gabe addresses him more time he'll fall apart. Wow, this is just fucking sad. The energy between them makes me feel better about my issues with Phoebe. 

 "I think we can handle it." Teddy is abrupt with him. Legit I need to hug this guy or something. 

Kate hugs Gabe then runs off with Teddy to get coffee. 

A tall blonde with hazel eyes runs into Gabe's arms and starts to cry, then slaps him in the face. Damn this poor guy has it worse than me. "Why the fuck didn't you call me back? Why didn't you call anyone back? You and Teddy have a spat and you're just gone?" Everyone is politely pretending not to listen but clearly, they all are. I become captivated by it as well, even with Grey's eyes still on me. 

 "It wasn't just a spat and can we please not talk about this, I just came here for Phee." The little blonde one hugs him once more then slaps me. OK, what the fuck is this girls problem? I didn't help Gabe hurt anyone. 

"Damn does someone need to get you a sedative or something?" I snap at her. 

"I cannot believe you either. Listen to me you ass, Phoebe may act tough but she is more naive and vulnerable than pretty much anyone you'll ever meet. Leave her alone!" Everyone is now staring at me. I am a pop star and I don't even usually get this much attention. Mrs. Grey doesn't nod along in agreement but she does smile like she completely agrees with the snippy blonde girl. 

Luckily I am saved. "I think I can decide that for myself thanks though Ava." Phoebe is as beautiful as always. Her face is less shimmery than normal; most likely due to the lack of makeup. I am overtaken by how much I missed her and just grab her face and kiss her. She's so dainty and small. Every time I have seen her so far she's been wearing heels.  

"Hi", I breathe. Her eyes have darkness around them so I involuntarily kiss around them to help with any pain she might have. Her long stunning hair is pulled back in a ponytail and I find that I love it like this because I can see how symmetrical her beautiful face is. 

"Hello", she's so formal. 

"Are you alright?" 

"No, some dickhead hit me with a candlestick and I had things to do!" Ha! I know she's okay now. She doesn't need someone to save her, this girl is a badass. 

"Well I think she's alright, you can start breathing now Christian." He does look a tad purple. 

A tall man with honey-colored hair is escorted to Phoebe by the same nurse who told us where to go. How rude! She didn't escort me and I am much more attractive than that guy. 

 "Phoebe Grey?" 

"No, my name is Bob. It's not like I am the one in the gown or anything, not to mention the large wound in the back of my head." 

I grab Phoebe's waist and tug her close to me. "Down baby!" I whisper but her dad hears me and immediately I want to run. 

"Yes well, My name is Detective Morgan I will be assigned to your case, now..." He is cut off by a very attractive woman with long red hair and big green eyes. She walks with purpose and power. 

 "Detective I will be taking it from here thank you." 

 "You couldn't have called?" 

"I did but your captain said you were already here." They stare at each other before powerful boss women take control yet again. "Bye now!" She waves him off with her manicured nails. 

Teddy is the one to return with all the coffees for everyone. Kate crushes Phoebe's dainty state with a bear hug. Teddy's posture has shifted from sad lovesick boy to badass mother-fucker in only five minutes. "So now you show up." 

 "Well Teddy I had to get my contacts to return my phone call so it took a minute, you know they're busy and all." She's spunky. I like her. 

"What did they say?"

"Jack is the one who attacked Phoebe. They have the security footage he corrupted and it's clear. I've got Devin on Intel..."

This time boss woman is cut off by Teddy. "No, I will handle it. Since I am the one who started this anyway." 

 "Wait for what?" Phoebe's mother stands with purpose but I can tell that she is really just worried.

"Seven months ago a woman by the name of Clara Bun was found buried in the basement of Jack's old building. We caught the case and since I am the behaviorist I was the one to talk to him. I egged him on. I am not officially an agent but they wanted help." 

I have no fucking clue what's going but the fact that Phoebe has nothing to say tells me to be worried. Very worried! 

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