Chapter 2: Please make sure to send flowers

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   My alarm blasts waking me from a heavy sleep and I hit it hard to make it quiet. I do not want to get up at all. I want this day to be a normal day and to not have to go to that god awful party my Grandparents host every year. But it is not a normal friday.

 It is now Friday and that means today is the one day out of the year where my grandmother forces me into a dress that is too long and classy which means I can't walk and I can't eat because I usually can't breathe. My grandmother also hires Gabriel to perform; Ted loves his music which makes me look bad because I don't tend to enjoy Gabriel's sexy talk music but lots of other people do.  Gabriel has a natural beauty to him that all of the girls just go insane for but Gabriel is like me and is not interested in dating anyone, it is why we get along so well. 

 Instead of looking at my closet to find some mother of the bride dress, I hear myself gasp in surprise. Looking at my closet there is a long fitted black dress with black lace creating the collar and chest area. It has buttons that run down my back and a slit that goes up my thigh; something tells me my father had absolutely no decision in what dress I wear this time. This dress has Christian Grey's big NO stamp all over it so I am assuming Mom and or Kate picked it out. What a joy dad will have seeing me wear it down the long winding staircase of the foyer. 

 Knock Knock! I turn around and see my mom in my doorway. She is still in her satin nightgown but of course, she looks flawless, unlike myself who looks as though my hair got caught in a tornado. "Morning Sweets. You like the dress?" 

 I laugh with worry. "Sure. The question is will it get past Grey security?" Mom laughs and plops herself onto my bed while letting her copper brown hair loose from its band. The little moments like this remind me I am her daughter. Grandpa Ray says it took mom forever to succumb to my dad's lifestyle of the rich and classic, before that she wore only jeans and drank coke, not white wine vintages. 

 "Your father has a habit of dressing you like a nun to these events because he knows how beautiful you are. I just thought you were old enough to show a little skin." My mother is perhaps the strangest of all mothers everywhere. She actually enjoys it when I show off my body, not to say I do but I appreciate her gesture. "Gabriel's band is performing tonight. Are you excited?" She asks. 

 "Yes, I just wish I was into his original stuff like Teddy. He's just an absolute fangirl while I am drowning over here." For some reason, my mother laughs at my statement although it was barely funny. 

 "Your brother appreciates Gabe more than you lately it seems." She giggles covering her mouth with her hand. 

 "He does not they just have similar taste, that is not the same thing. Gabriel adores me more than Teddy." Or at least that's what he has told me for the past 3 years since him and Teddy became buddies. 

 "Of course he does. Hurry up and get downstairs, your father is about to leave for work and wants to say bye." Mom puts her hair back up in the band and just before she leaves I have to ask a random question that is always in my mind. 

 "Mom, can I ask something really quick?" 

 "Yes of course. What is it?"

 "Where did I get my hair?" 

 Mom gives me a look of pain or something close to it. "Your Grandmother." 

 Huh, that can't be right."But Grandma Grace has hazelnut hair and Grandma Carla is blonde. Where did the black come from?" 

 "Well, Grandma Ella had quite dark brown hair like yourself. It just looks black." 

 Oh right, dad's biological mother. "There are no pictures of her anywhere." 

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