Chapter 6: Undiscovered

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 "Wake up Phoebe." The sound of Mrs. Taylor's voice welcomes me to open my eyes and the sweet smell of vanilla coming from her makes me grin. I am still drained of energy from the party two nights ago but I know if I don't get up now I won't ever get up causing my sleeping patterns to be out of control. 

 "Coffee?" I ask her. 

 "If you get up now I'll make you a cup just don't tell Christian or Ana." I love her so much, always the best kind of mother. 

 "Thank you!" Rising from my bed I see my phone is over taken by texts from Gabriel and Grant. Gabriel seems more frantic so I decide to call him first. 

 "Phoebe!" Ah, yelling in my ear much!

 "Gabriel what?" 

 "Is your brother purposely ignoring my phone calls or is his phone off?" Oh right this. I almost forgot. 

 "Well I don't know not everyone tells me anything anymore. Like for instance when a certain someones best friend starts dating her brother without telling the certain someone that someone gets more angry. So if you want to solve your problems solve them yourself. " I quickly hang up. I don't know what is going on with those 2 but right now I really do not care. 

 I then decide to call Grant. "Hey." 

 "Hey what's going on?" 

 "Nothing much just woke up from my nap. What is going on with you?" 

 He laughs. "Nothing just writing some music with my band. Say hello to Phoebe." 

"Hello Phoebe." They all say in unison. 

 "Oh alright who am I talking to exactly?" 

 "Liam, Connor, Matt, and Marcus." Grant says. 

 "Oh, well I am sorry I am not already familiar with all of you. I promise I will do some research." Before I can babble any longer Liam interrupts me. 

 "Don't worry about it really, it's cool that you don't know much about us, less likely to fan-girl in-front of us. That is never really a hot thing about girls. " 

 I am glad they are okay with me not knowing much. "Okay cool." 

 Grant, his friends and I spend the next 2 hours discussing what happened at the party. They all laugh at the part where my dad shows up, claiming that he has an alert in his head that tells him when I am having fun. They ask about the rest of my family, Liam admits his strong feelings for my mother, which is not something I needed in particular detail in but I let it go quickly. The night comes and Mrs. Taylor brings me coffee but she informs me that I can have only one cup if I want more it will be decaf. Mrs. Taylor comes back to tell me it is time for dinner and to come downstairs before dad gets to antsy. 

 "Alright that's my cue I am afraid." 

 Grant laughs. "I told you guys she was smart." His statement makes me grin. "Phoebe what are you doing tomorrow?" 

 "I work on homework till 11 then I go to work till 4, why?" Is a date approaching? 

 "Can I pick you up tomorrow? Liam's mom gave us tickets to an art museum and I think you're the only person I know who would thoroughly enjoy it." 

 "That sounds lovely. Just text me the time okay?" 

 "Okay." In the background I can hear a voice say, "Oh, two nerds in love." Then the line goes dead. 

 My first date ever and it is to an art museum. Amazing!  Then the thought comes to me, will dad even let me go?

Walking down to the dining room my throat closes up; I have never asked my dad if I could go on a date and his first impression of Grant and I was not too great for him to be up to it. Mom also has a say but my parents having different responses will lead to an argument and baby Dean will become distraught with himself at that point. I'll just ask after dinner, in private, that way no one else has to be in the room when dad gets upset with me.

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