Chapter 21:The truth will set you free

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Liam refuses to tell me what is going on back in Seattle with Phoebe but he does make it clear that he is going to kill me when I get back so it could be anything really. Phoebe can be a bit dramatic at times but I know that I want her unlike I have ever wanted anyone before so that is all I need to stick this thing out. I will not succumb to Liam's hurtful but honest words that I am not going to last with Phoebe and ultimately hurt her. I will not let Alex's unknown whereabouts scare me from running or Jack's escape from prison get me distracted from being with her either. At some point, a man has to decide if he will stay or run away like a little bitch- I am not a little bitch!

I send off my last text message to Phoebe before I get onto the airplane and whip out my writing journal so that Keagan will be happy with me giving him some new music to market while this whole thing with Phoebe and Alex are splattered over the news for some unknown reason. I have never understood the need to know who I am fucking or who I am no longer fucking! Why on earth would someone waste their time and meaningless information that doesn't make their lives any better!

And with that train of thought, I begin writing and writing. Letting the words flow outside of me until they make some kind of sense; I should contact Taylor and ask her what she thinks since she is amazing at throwing shade at the people who hate on her.


Grant's constant texting about Phoebe throws me into a pit of rage when he continues to text me after I tell him to leave me alone!

Why are you not answering my questions?

Are you okay?

Are we okay?

I am writing more music as we speak if that is why you are upset...

Is Keagan making you hate me because he hates me? Don't succumb to peer pressure, Liam!

I try to just ignore him but I can't! My initial instinct is to text him back but I can't tell him that Phoebe is pregnant before she tells him that is not fair to her. I can't even explain how attached to her I feel now. It doesn't make any sense as to why I would be attracted to someone I barely know, I mean she is hot, but she loves Grant, I know that!

What would happen if they break up? Is it even appropriate to hit on someone who is pregnant when it isn't your child? Would Grant even forgive me if I were to hit on her now? It would be karma for Grant since he did fuck my sister without even thinking about how that would affect me at all.

I ignore all my thoughts about Phoebe and about Grant and decide to go for a walk to clear my head. The things that I love about Seattle is the weather. It is always grey and windy here or just downright rainy. When we travel we go everywhere in the summer and it is always so hot I hate it! But here everything is cool and calm. I honestly do not want to leave here. Since I have decided to leave the band, perhaps I could make a place for myself here...

I pass by a magazine stand after grabbing a coffee at someplace called Panera and see Grant and Phoebe all over the gossip magazines. One saying did Grant James already cheat on the billionaire baby Phoebe Grey? Will Alexandria Cambridge affect the love of Phoebe Grey and player Grant James? These things piss me off that people get to write whatever they want and sell it to people for too much money. Who honestly cares about who is dating who?

I give the magazine stand employee 200 hundred dollars to get rid of all of the magazines and he complies immediately and throws them all away as I walk away from him.

I walk some more and get back to the hotel completely frozen from the cold weather. You would think the hot latte would help but it did absolutely nothing with helping warm my body. Once I get inside my hotel room, I look for Grants things to see if his plane landed already but he is not in here, thank God. I sincerely hope that I can avoid him until Phoebe tells him about the baby. The mention of her name inside my mind makes my heartaches for her. She must be so frightened about what is going to happen to her or her and Grant. 

If I were Grant, I would propose immediately even if she didn't want to and find a place for us to live and read a ton of parenting books, or the thing that I wouldn't want but that I would understand, I would go with her to get the abortion if that's what she needed. I sincerely hope Grant is not a fucking idiot like usual and says the wrong things to her making an already stressful situation more stressful. 

I get undressed and turn the shower onto blasting hot when I hear a knock at the door. Is Grant back? Did he forget his key? Throwing on a towel, I rush to the door and look through the peephole and no one is there...

Confused, I open it and see a crying Phoebe on the floor just outside my door. 

She doesn't look up at me when I touch her shoulder, she simply stares at the floor as each tear rolls off her face and onto the floor. "Um, Phoebe?" She moves her head to stare at me but barely, "Do you want to come in?" 

"I suck at this!" She cries as she gets up and comes inside my room. 

"Suck at what?" 

"I suck at dating! The first real relationship I had and I get knocked up!" She throws herself onto my bed and her purse onto the floor. I wonder if she is concerned about me being naked under the towel but she doesn't seem to care and I don't know if she will consider it rude that I will leave and put on clothes so I sit at the end of the bed with my legs squeezed together. 

"I don't think you suck at this, I haven't even dated really ever so I wouldn't know and Grant is an idiot so he definitely doesn't." 

"Liam, what guy do you think I should end up with?" 

Me, I think to myself, someone like me or me specifically. "Someone good for you?" I say as more of a question rather than a statement. 

"What does that even mean?" 

"I have no idea. " 

She spins herself around so that she is now laying on her back and reaches for my hand, without even thinking I give it to her. "Do you think Grant and I could raise a baby together?" 

No, I think to myself again. "Is that what you want?" 

"I think I want the baby... I mean, it would be complicated but I think I can do it; the question is can Grant? Does he even want to?" 

I can't tell her what I actually think because it would hurt her so I pivot as fast as possible. "I think that your life will be filled with challenges and that you'll be great." 

"Why do you think so much of me? You barely know me! I could be a serial killer!" 

Her words make me laugh because from the look of this girl, she couldn't kill a spider let anyone more than three people. "It's just a feeling." 

Her hand squeezes tighter around mine and it is here that I realize what I am to her, a friend, and nothing more but I think that is better than not knowing this mysterious girl at all. 


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xo Michaela 

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