Thank You

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This story is now nominated for the Wattys2019 and I could not be more ecstatic! I never thought when I posted this story that so many people would love it and be so into it. In honor of all your votes and reads, I will be editing the story and adding more to the chapters. As well as adding to the other two books. Thank you guys so much and writing Phoebe is so much fun! 


The whole book has now been revised! I am so happy with this version now because it reflects my writing better! I am not saying it won't be added to or changed in the future but I am happy that I took the time to make it better for you all that have read it and loved Phoebe with me along this ride. Thank you for sticking with me through plot holes and grammatical errors. I truly cannot thank you all enough and I hope you all like book 2 and book 3 that are up now if you want to continue the fun ride! 

Love you all, 

xoxo Michaela 

Deep Into The Water (Book 1 Phoebe Grey Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now