Chapter 3:Tell me you'll miss me darling.

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   The song comes to an end and Gabriel and I's duet gets met with rising applause. Gabriel turns to me with a happy and I-told-you-you-were-good smile and I punch him in the stomach making it look like we're hugging on stage. Holding his breath he waves me off the stage as his actual singer appears to be back. He was very lucky that I remembered the song otherwise I would have been laughed at for the rest of my life giving me no choice but to have to Murder him. 

 Before I can make it to my families table someone grabs my arm and spins me around. I am then met with gorgeous hazel eyes and brown hair that reminds me of my mother. "Sorry to pull you away but you did an amazing job up there." I don't know if I should tell him to get lost or say hi back; I am completely dazed by him and have no clue what to say. Before I could stop myself I tell him he's beautiful like my mother. At first he seems confused then laughs and replies with a thank you.  "Would you like to dance?" I nod yes and then I am swept onto  the dance floor. I do not need to turn back to know my father is losing it right now.

 "Um forgive me I forgot to ask for your name?" He asks me with his pearl white teeth. 

 "It's Phoebe Grey." 

  "Oh of course, your family's  party." 

 "Yeah, um what's your name?" At this he seems utterly confused, as though I am already supposed to be aware of his name.

 "You really don't know do you?" I shake my head no and he smiles yet again. "Well that's refreshing. It's Grant James." 

 He then spins me twice and dips me to the ground. Upside down I notice my father standing and looking at us with an angry stare he's only made once before. Grant then lifts me up again. "Why should I be aware of your name? Are you important or something?" 

 "No, not really but being in the number 1 pop band in America I would think you might. Every girl I have met at this party does so far anyway. But I am guessing you don't spend much of your time with boy band music huh?" He's right. The music in my house has always been classical or vintage thanks to my parents, I have never really thought about much else. 

 "Uh no. My parents play the music I enjoy other then at the mall or in a restaurant I haven't heard much else. " 

 "Really?" I nod yes and we sway back and forth to the music. "Wow you get more interesting by the minute don't you?" Grant spins me to where I am facing away from him and we are swaying from side to side and I have a clear view of my father's fury now but I don't really care. For the first time in a long time I feel like a normal teenager. "I would like to talk to you some more in private. Do you mind if we slip away for a bit?" On one hand dad will loose it if I do but on the other I really would like to speak to him more. 

 "Yes, let's go." Grant takes my hand and we run for the garden door exit. I know where the boat house is so I tell him to follow me. My dad once told me of how he purposed to mom so I take Grant to that exact location.  It is private and beautiful.

 "This is a nice private location. View from here is quite lovely isn't it?" He asks me. "uh oh. Did you bring me here to kill me Grey?"

 I playfully swat his shoulder and nod no. "I have been coming up here since I was 10, mostly to just get away from my family but sometimes just because it is very relaxing. " 

 Grant places his long fingers on my face and slips off my mask. "Sorry that was bothering me. You are quite beautiful. You shouldn't hide it." I blush deep red and he laughs slightly then removes his and I gulp with astonishment. With the mask he is beautiful, without it he is even more so. With a chiseled feature and perfect jaw line all I wanted to do at the moment was kiss it but I went with my better judgement and snapped out of it. 

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