Chapter 9: You've got that James Dean daydream

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 Waking up from my after sex nap; I see Grant starring down at me with his smokey eyes. "Hey, there beautiful." 

At first, I don't know what to say. Memories of kissing and tucking make me feel comfy but the fact that I have just lost my virginity to someone I barely know frightens me a little but his warm face is welcoming and not scary at all. My eyes move to the sheets he has thrown to the side with cherry blood splattered all over them and I feel my skin get rosy from embarrassment. I didn't think there would be so much! I knew that girls bled from time to time when they lost their virginity but the white sheets and blankets he pulled from the cabinet are practically ruined.  

Grants hand lifts my chin up and places a soft kiss on my nose giving me reassurance that I shouldn't be embarrassed by my blood. 

 "Hey," I whisper.

 "As much as I do enjoy watching you sleep naked, I should get you home now. " I turn my head away because I am still so tired and a tad confused. I always thought I would lose my virginity to my husand or at least that's what my dad told me, oh wait my dad! 

I completely forgot I have a fucking curfew "Oh shit! What time is it?" 

 Pulling me into his lap Grant kisses my forehead, a simple gesture but kind nonetheless. "Don't worry we have another hour before I have to have you home. I just wanted you to be up. Until then," Grant flips me onto my stomach causing my behind to be completely exposed and in the air, "let's have another go around." 

Moving my hair out of the way, Grant nips at my earlobe and I shiver. "Huh, so much to do to you Phee, so much."

Is this normal in a relationship? This feeling? I'm still in so much pain but luckily there isn't a lot of blood like I thought. Is there supposed to be so much anxiety with the person you're falling for? I can't tell how I am supposed to feel, but my mind loses its train of thought as I am about to have sex for the second time in two hours. 

 10 pm... 

 Grant pulls up into my driveway and of course, I can see my father standing on our porch with Taylor. " Oh come on, it is exactly 10. I thought this would impress him." Grant complains. 

"Nothing you could do will impress him." Especially not the virginity taking that just happened.

Putting the car in park Grant pulls me into one of his oh so satisfying kisses and I'm about to just move onto his lap when Grant pulls away. "Taking you is extremely satisfying, unfortunately, your father is watching, so that might be a bit traumatic for him." I laugh and roll my head back. "I like your laugh." I love the way he says things. I don't know if it is the fact that he is British or that I find his mouth enormously attractive but I know that I am falling for him in a really sappy romantic movie. 

"I should go," I whisper. 

"I'll walk you."

"Um..." My eyes dart to my father with his phone out to his ear and lips moving quickly, most likely telling Barry to check into Grant. 

"As I said, I am not afraid of your father. Plus after being the opposite of a gentleman tonight I figure that's the best way to finish it off." The opposite of a gentleman? His way with words is so intense and captivating, no wonder he is so successful with music.

Grant places a hand behind my back and walks calmly to my front door. "Mr.Grey good night."

I can tell that dad just wants to strangle him and for a moment I think he can see right through me. "Night to you as well."

"Oh and Phoebe I quite enjoyed tonight, thank you." Grant places a soft kiss to my hand and dad turns crimson. "Next time."

I quickly run into the house and call out for Ava. She isn't in the living room or the media room so I make my way to the south end of the house to my room and yell out for her once again. 

"Hello!" She screams back.

When I see her I slam the door behind me and run to my bed to fall down beside her. It is like all the anxiety and confusion that I felt before is really hitting me causing me to collapse into the fetal position. 

"Ava I have no idea what the hell has gotten into me!"


As I pull out of Phoebe's long winding road,  Liam calls me.  "Yes, Liam?"

"You're dad's are here. " What the hell? They are supposed to be in London right now. 

"There? Why?" Why would they come to the hotel when we planned for them to come next week?

"Yes,  they wanted to talk to you about your...  uh, Jack."

Jack Hyde-Uh oh, if it's about my biological father this isn't going to go well.  "Can you stall them? I will be there in a few moments!" 

I have no idea what it is they want to talk to me about but I suspect that Hyde has done something stupid yet again.  


Thank you guys for all the votes and reads! I hope the new chapters make everyone love Phoebe and Grant more! Please make sure to comment and vote for the story lots of love you guys! 

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