Chapter 22: Procrastination

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Liam's hand wrapped around mine comfort me but it is here I realize how inappropriate it is to be acting like this with my boyfriend's friend. Liam is the only friend he has introduced me to so I think that means he means the most to him. I move my eyes over his body, he seems paler than usual probably from the cold weather outside. I finally notice the towel, he was probably about to take a shower when I got here...

"I'm sorry you probably wanna get in the shower..." 

I move my hand away and I notice a small look of disappointment from him; did he not want me to let go of his hand? "It's okay, wait here and I will drive you home." 

"I can drive myself." 

"You're emotional Phoebe that makes for a reckless driver so wait here and I will take you." 

I stay on the bed while he gets dressed and when he comes back in I see he is wearing Grant's trenchcoat and a grey sweater that I love. I think he looks better in that coat than Grant. Liam has darker features and a larger build so tight things look nice on him. 

He coughs loudly and I realize I have been staring his whole body down, he must think I am a creep or something coming to his room uninvited and then I check him out. 

I reluctantly get up and grab my purse from the floor, "Come on, we'll get some food on the way back to your house." 


As he drives slowly and carefully in rented Range Rover, he asks plenty of questions that I don't feel like answering but that I feel the need to anyway...

Did you like living close to Seattle growing up? 

What do you want to do in your life?

Has your dad calmed down at all? 

His last question makes me giggle a little because I remember how dad freaked out on Liam and we aren't even the ones having sex. 

"He hasn't spoken to me in 24 hours so he isn't doing great." 

"I'm sorry about that, what about your mom?" 

Why does this man ask so many fucking questions? Is it just because I am dating Grant? Or at least dating Grant for now... "She doesn't know yet." She hasn't brought it up so I am assuming she doesn't know. Dad left the house really early this morning so I didn't have the chance to talk to him or Teddy. I know he is mad but I prefer him yelling at me rather than him just blowing me off. 

"You said you want the baby so that's the first step of this chaotic situation, the next is to talk to Grant and see what the hell that guy is going to do. I am going to be an uncle either way so I am here to help promise." 

Liam's energy is so different from anyone that I have ever met before. He is always so calm and kind to me and we have met only a few times so far and half of them have been because I am pregnant. I wonder what he is thinking about me... Does he think I am an idiot for getting pregnant so young? I am 18 but I am technically not even done with high school and then I have college. OH NO! I can't go to New York now! I am knocked up! I will need to stay here and move out since I suspect my dad won't approve of me keeping the baby. "How are you this nice to someone you barely know? I am just some girl that your friend knocked up and now you are taking me home and getting me food while dealing with my emotional vulnerability exploding all over of you." 

He chuckles from my exaggerated statement and I laugh along with him. It does feel good to laugh, like really laugh, after so much shit happened this week. "Listen, life is too short to worry about how long you have known someone. You should be grateful when you meet good people and I can tell that you are a good person even if you are intensely dramatic." 

Maybe that's how I should think of Grant of this all blows up in my face when I tell him. If this ends with him saying he doesn't love me and wants nothing to do with the baby then I can think of him as the sexy musician I met when I was young and in love, naive for sure, but I in love as well.  "Have you ever been wrong about someone though? Like thought, they were great and then it blew up in your face?" 

His soft expression and loose posture change to stiff as a board; I think I just put up a painful memory for him, "Even with the best eggs at the store, you might find a few bad ones. I try not to think about the bad eggs, Phoebe." 

"Seriously you should be like a poet or something because you talk in annoying circles man." 

"Yes, I have heard that before. There's a little cafe just up here." 

We pull into the cafe parking lot and my phone goes off and without even looking I know who it is, "Grant..." I say softly. 

"Ignore it," Liam responds. 


When I get back to the hotel, my assistant Gorden tells me that Liam left earlier with a girl, sounds strange but good for him if he is finally picking up some girls 

The room is clean and smells nice, I suspect Liam has gotten the cleaning crew in here whilst I was away. He hates it if one thing is out of place due to his extreme OCD unfortunately for him I could care less. I throw my things onto my bed and that's when I see it, Phoebe's locket. I small gold shaped locket in the shape of a heart engraved with My Darling from her dad. She has never put a picture in it which confuses me but she says she needs a special picture before she does. 

Why is this thing in here? She has never even been in here before. Wait... Gorden said Liam left with a girl earlier, did he leave with mine? He knows not to touch Phoebe she is mine! I knew he was being fucking weird about her. Leave Phoebe alone Grant! Break up with Phoebe Grant! Be nice to Phoebe Grant!  I thought he was just being Liam but maybe he was just trying to get her alone for himself. 

I am going to kill him! My anger takes control of me and grabs his books throwing them against the wall next go his stupid water purifier that always wakes me up in the middle of the fucking night because he has bad allergies! The purifier explodes and then the door swings open- Oh yay! The fucking backstabber is back! 

He glides into the room with a smile on his face and then it disappears when he sees what I have done, "WHAT THE HELL GRANT?" 

I don't answer instead I just hold up the necklace and his eyes grow wide with the worry of me. 

"Phoebe left it." 

"And when might I ask my dear Liam was she even in here? I certainly didn't bring her in here." He doesn't answer, only looks away from me, "Are you why she keeps ignoring me? Are you fucking MY GIRL YOU FUCKING WANG!" 

"Of course not you lunatic!" 

"Then why was she here?" 

"She came to talk you moron!" 

"WHY?" I scream in his face. 

"She is pregnant and scared!" 

My heart stops and I sink to the floor. Pregnant? She can't be we used a condom... or at least I think we always have. Oh no! Did we? 


I decided to change this chapter because th eold one was not really what I wanted so I hope you like this one! 

Make sure to vote for the wattys! 

xo Michaela

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