Chapter 14 Non sibi

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Grant has Liam go pick up my car as we drive to my house. I decide that I can't hide away forever. If my dad truly knows what happened to me and Grant's first date, then there is no going back. 

Once inside, I see only my mother in the first living room, holding baby Dean in her arms while Jared plays with his train set. I don't see Teddy or Dad and for right now I am okay with that. My mother says a quick hello to Grant most likely being polite and not actually because she likes him. I know my mother so I know when she is being fake with someone. 

Grant waves hello to the little ones and we head upstairs to my room with permission from my mother as long as the door stays open at all times and I finish the homework that my tutor sent me. 

Grants eyes are completely swooned by my house. Every time we walked down a new hall he would ask to see the rooms. Twelve rooms, two media rooms, two playrooms, my mom's office, my dad's office, the gym, the poolhouse, the laundry room, and Gail and Taylors space on the far right of the house that they stay in during the week. So many rooms that I sometimes, even I get lost in this house. 

We finally reach the top floor mine and Teddy's room are and Grant stops at my father's favorite art space in the house- the wall of Ana. A long time ago my uncle Jose took a ton of gorgeous photos of my mother and put them up for sale leading my father to buy them all and place them in the house. We have a few of these walls that just have one person, my wall is downstairs, but this wall is my favorite because it isn't me but she looked so much like me back then that I love it. "What do you think?" I ask him. 

"You look like your mother so much it's crazy." 

"Is that a good thing?" 

"I think so. You look like her, but you did it your own way. Like a killer remix of a song people love." 

I hate the attention so I grab his hand leading us to my room. When I get there, I am dumbfounded by my dad in my room rifling through my drawers. He has never invaded my space like this before, well, I think he has never invaded my space before. I don't even say anything because of how shocked I am, but Grant clears the air by coughing very obnoxiously that my dad jumps up and slams my drawer shut. 

"Are you looking for something dad?" 

My arms crossed I walk towards him so and he moves away to the door and shakes his head no, "This door stays open!" then quickly runs away in a panic. 

Grant goes over to my couch in front of my bay window and lays down with his feet hanging off the arm, "You are eighteen right?"

"17 but 18 in a few days actually." 

"Okay, so why all the overprotective stuff?" 

"He just worries a lot. " 

He nods along and I go into my closet grabbing a pair of sweats and a yoga top to put on. I close the door so that Grant can't see me change, I am still so body conscious around him, even though he has seen me naked already. I wonder if that is how Ava felt when she lost her virginity to that guy Hero. He was just some guy we met at a party for our school and then her virginity was gone. She didn't seem at all affected by the loss, she just said 'people lose stuff every day so why would I care about this?'  I wish I was as confident and go with the flow as she is but alas- I am just plain old me. 

Grant is now laying down on my bed and fast asleep when I get out so I pull out my laptop to start my paper for physics. 

Finishing my last paper for school, I see that Taylor and Gail are going out for dinner. Taylor called dad and since he and mom will be home in the next hour Grant and I could be left alone. I'm guessing that Grant is also aware of what we can do in an hour because in a minute he is sweeping my hair away from my neck and giving gentle kisses.

"Are you insinuating something Grant?"

Instead of speaking I get a low laugh then his arms up my shirt lifting me from my chair. Maybe the second time will be so much better than the first. We are in my bedroom not a stuffy office space in the back of an art museum. 

"Bed or shower?" He asks me.

I nod toward the bed. Hopefully, it won't feel as bad when we're done if we do it on a bed this time.

My shirt is quickly unbuttoned and Grant sees my navy blue and black laced bra. He doesn't take too long to get rid of it. I am suddenly thrown on the bed and my pants are off. I'm his. I am Grant James's girlfriend and the feeling is so strange that for a second I forget and wonder what happened to the old Phoebe who wanted to wait until she is married. 

2 hours later

Mom and dad called to say they would be late. Mom was trying to finish up some paperwork with a new author and dad wanted to get some food with Jared and Dean before heading home to put them into bed. 

Things always felt off when I was here by myself. Big house, small girl. Jared and Dean are usually here but they are spending the night at Kate's. Teddy says his boss is in town and she is supposed to be are guardian angle with this whole Jack Hyde thing. I wonder what this guy is thinking. If he just wants to hurt us or maybe he isn't thinking of us at all. Maybe he's at the store buying food for the week. Getting his hair done because he's been in prison so long and it's all scratchy. Maybe dad is just overreacting? It's not like it would be out of character.


What the hell? Maybe everyone's home now?

"Dad? Mom? You guys home?"

Nobody answers so I go to the back of the house and find Gail's dog Humpfry barking at a broken vase. He must've broken it- dad won't be pleased that is the vase Teddy made for mom when he was five. He grossly loves that thing.

"Humpfry daddy is going to be so mad at you! " Humpfry runs away to the patio and that is the moment that I realize the back patio doors are open. Oh my god! Did I leave them open? I don't remember! 


 I turn around only to be hit in the head by a candlestick and fall to the floor. My eyes start to water and then everything gets blurry before I can look at whoever just hit me. My eyes begin to shut from the blurriness and I lose all train of thought and fall fast asleep. 




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