Chapter 18: Try Again shall we?

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Liam and I sit in the lobby of the hotel going over some music sheets, attempting to really organize this tour coming up. Meeting Phoebe, I have been so damn distracted but have no idea how to focus on something as meaningless as a setlist when Phoebe and I haven't had sex in like two whole days! I have to get time in with her while I can before I go on tour and I am extremely busy.  

I know Liam thinks that I should end things because I am complicated, but life is always complicated so why does it matter where and when Phoebe and I are together as long as we are together. 

Liam interrupts my thoughts by slamming his notebook on the  side table and snapping my brain back into my place, "Dear lord, what is it?" I shout at him.

"Stop thinking about that girl and get focused here!" 

"I was thinking of the setlist I swear!" I am totally lying and he can tell because he can read me better than anyone I know. It is such a downside to being friends with someone for so long. 

"What is her favorite color?" 

What the hell? Why would he ask such a meaningless question? "Who the fuck cares?" 

"I do." He snaps at me. 

"Why do you care?" 

He stands and begins pacing back and forth, I don't get it, why would someone care so much about someone else's favorite color? "What is her favorite food?" 

"I don't know," I answer truthfully. 

"Exactly! You think you can take some girls virginity and then tell her you to care when you don't give a shit!" 

"Liam, I don't think she'll dump me for not knowing those things." Phoebe isn't one of those girls that sit around debating about how a guy feels about her. She won't give a shit about my favorite things either. 

"You have no idea how women work at all!" 

I can't help but laugh at him, "Liam, honestly, it's not science. I have slept with so many women and they all seemed to enjoy it." 

"You have fucked many women but have you ever noticed that they don't care about you either?" 

I think it over and I can't name one woman that I have been with, except for Alex, who actually cared me. Most of the time, they just walk out on me before we finish and for the most part, I enjoyed that relationship as well. Oh no! Will Phoebe slowly become one fo those people? Will, she eventually grows to be too annoyed with me? The thought makes me shake with anxiety. "I guess I hadn't really noticed before." 

"Exactly, you never notice anything! The only stable relationship you have ever had is me and your dad's !" 

"Well, that is mean! I dated Alex for years!" 


"Get to the point Liam, I am losing brain cells over here", I laugh at my own joke but Liam just swats my arm and continues on his rant. 

"My point is, sometime soon she will get hurt and you will too, and the only thing you will be able to do is to walk away like you should have when I told you too."

Liam sits back down with his music sheets and I pretend to get a phone call leading me to the hallway outside the lobby. My heart is pounding and my throat feels like it is closing up. I am going to do die alone one day because I am an ass. That is what is going to happen. 

I need Phoebe in my life. 


Gabriel has been gone for quite some time now and I can't help but think that maybe everything is fine now? Or at least going to be fine. Ava doesn't seem phased by the riff between Gabriel and Teddy at all. She thinks, whatever happens, happens, and we should just stay out of it. I guess she is right, getting involved in whatever is going on between them could only result in me getting burned. Plus, I have my own relationship to worry about so messing with someone else's is only going to make my situation worse. I do need to be a better friend while being in a relationship though. I have no idea how people juggle so many things at once like this. I have school, family, Gabriel, need to start writing again, and the confusing Grant James. 

Grant James, a sexy musician that seems like he has never been in a serious relationship. In all fairness to him neither have I, but I really want to try this him. We have something, I am not one hundred percent certain what it is that we have, but we have something that is unique. 

"Phoebe!" Ava shouts from behind me on my bed still. 


"Your phone is going off!"

I hop off my desk chair and nip my phone off the charger. It is an unknown number but it has been texting several times but I decided to just look at it quickly anyway. 

Hey, it's Liam, Grant's friend. 

Can we talk? 

WIthout Grant? If that's okay? 

 "What is it?" Ava asks, not really seeming interested, but curious enough to ask. 

"Um, Grant's friend wants to talk to me."


Gabriel and Teddy then walk in through the door, hand in hand, and both wearing smiles that are one hundred percent genuine. I love the way I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. 

"Hey, guys, what is going on?" Teddy asks. 

Ava jumps off the bed, pushing me to the floor in a football tackle, she is always filled with energy, "Phoebe has a date with Liam Calloway!" 

"Holy shit he's fine!" Gabriel adds but feels Teddy's eyes on him and laughs trying to pretend he didn't say that. 

'I don't have a date, he just wants to talk to me." 

"What about?" 

"I am not sure..." 

I hope it is nothing that I don't want to hear, but if it was good news he wouldn't ask for such a secret meaning. 

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