chapter 19: Just a bit of love for you

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We are all sitting in the living room watching True Romance. Teddy lays down on the couch beside my chair with Gabriel as his pillow. It warms my heart to see them happy together. I like how happy Teddy looks now that their out in the open officially. Gabriel's family has absolutely no problem with the two of them together- as we all expected. Mother is especially happy to see Teddy feeling peaceful.

Mom sits on dad's lap. They look so natural together- like two puzzle pieces that fit on make a beautiful picture.

I don't have Grant here with me. Currently, he is on his way to Miami doing a collaboration with Gold, whoever that is. He sends me text updates with little snip bits of the song. It's about sex the same as the rest of his songs but at least this one is catchy. At least I have Ava here. She's just a ray of sarcastic sunshine that I cannot live without. We finished our homework an hour ago and she actually participated. She loves to let me do most of the work whenever I try to work with her so it was a refreshing change of pace.

She nods at my phone as I receive another message from Grant.

Hey beautiful, just got done here. We're doing some press for the track then I'll be back to Seattle. Gabe told me that he and Teddy are good- maybe we should go on a double date. Sound fun? See you soon baby.

Double dating with my brother doesn't sound great but maybe we should. Maybe Grant will get a better idea of how he should be acting seeing the two of them. 

Perhaps I can find a way to ask him about Liam texting me? I don't like the idea of talking to him behind Grant's back but I also don't want to disrespect Grant. UGH! There are just far too many hard things about being in a relationship that I didn't think of beforehand. 

There is a knock at the door and since I am not tangled with anyone else, I rush to get it. The detective from the hospital rushes past me into our house. He looks concerned. "What the hell? You wouldn't answer your phone Mr.Grey I was worried!"

"What are you doing here? Erika told you we can handle it." Teddy snaps.

"Yeah well, she didn't have a Warrant to take over my case so not anymore," the detective spits back. 

"What's wrong?" Dad asks.

"Mr.Grey Jack Hyde wasn't the one who attacked your daughter. They found his body the coroner said he was found two hours after escaping from the prison and is currently sitting in El Paso holding. Who ever did this is someone we haven't even considered."

All of a sudden I feel sick. Too sick. My hand goes to grip the edge of I lose my balance and fall to the floor. If it wasn't that man, then who was it? Who did I hurt or annoy? The feeling makes the pain worsen and I keep tight of my stomach. My head begins pounding loudly causing me to not be able to properly see anyone. I can't do this! I can't be this person who is always in danger! I am not strong enough for that! 

"Phoebe!" I hear Teddy shout. 

Yes! Teddy! Come help me! my mouth begins to open but I feel it closing on me before the words can come out. I don't know what this is but it feels like a panic attack maybe...

Jared with his small legs runs to me and asks me to wake up but it's too late because I fall into a deep sleep.


Grant's urgent text to rush to the hospital wakes me from my nap, but I am up and out the door in less than a couple of minutes. 

As I rush down the road outside the hotel, I get a call from Keagan but push the ignore button for now. Grant will kill me if I don't see what is wrong with Phoebe first. My phone keeps buzzing but I tune it out eventually. This girl has Grant completely whipped to the point if she cuts her toe he would want me to check on her. Not that I am not concerned about her too, but my worry that Grant will dump her the second we get back on tour is my deeper fear. 

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