Chapter 11: Love

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Ava and Teddy agreed to sleep in my room tonight to keep my mind off the negative. I needed the company. My thoughts of my time with Grant from earlier are overwhelming and cruel. I have texted Grant twice and have gotten nothing back. Perhaps he's done now. He has gotten what he wants now everything else is moot.

Ava and Teddy sleep while I move quietly off the bed to my computer and even though I know I shouldn't I search his name on Google, I do. What pops up is a list of pictures of Grant and girls. The most recent one is me. A ton of pictures of me. Me in his car. Me getting out of his car. Me holding his hand. Everything, except for the most significant part of the evening- thank goodness. I didn't even see the paparazzi taking pictures at all! These guys are so stealth it's creepy sometimes. Along with all the pictures are some links to gossip posts about Grant with the most recent one published two hours ago. 

I pull up an article by Instyle.
Phoebe Grey of Chambers High spent the evening with our favorite Playboy Grant James. With a beautiful setting, the two looked like a hot and sexy couple. Grant was seen laughing and kissing Ms.Grey and no one can deny the chemistry the two shares is quite evident. Phoebe is the daughter of the queen and king of the business world, Christian and Anastasia Grey. As Phoebe is only 18 and Grant being 19, Mr.Grey is most likely not too thrilled about his little princess about to have a broken heart by the English player.

Player? Is he playing me right now? Or is he genuinely a nice talented guy? He mentioned the things that people write about are true but was he joking? Ugh! This man is more frustrating than anyone I have ever met. 

I just can't tell who he really is, too much is happening.

I decide to read something else. It calms me down when I'm too riled up, so I Google again except this time I look for a different news article. Current events. Nothing to do with attractive British singers. 

Jack Hyde of elongate prison has escaped from his solitary cell appropriately 5 hours ago. Sources from inside the facility refuse to comment about the incident but ensure the public that he is not dangerous and they are currently working on tracking his movements. 

Yeah right! That's just what people say when they do not want to cause a panic. I bet this guy is extremely dangerous and the public should get information to protect themselves. I grab my journal and write the name, Jack Hyde. I'll look into him too. If I see him before he hurts anyone then it'll keep my mind off everything. A good Nancy Drew case will calm me down just enough not to worry about Grant and when he's going to call.

5 am

I wake with a jolt. It's only 5 on my clock but for some reason, I felt like someone was in my room. I am not on my bed but instead on the floor next to my desk. Maybe dad came in to check on me then left, but that doesn't make sense because he would just put me back to bed. Possibly, Luke, but Luke would never touch me. After putting away my journal and laptap I look to my floor to see a crumpled up picture of my family in the newspaper. Perhaps I was sleep researching? I decide to grab the covers or part of the covers that Teddy and Ava aren't using and go back to sleep. 


Liam still has my phone so I cannot text Phoebe and explain but in all honesty, I am not sure what to say... Sorry, Phoebe my biological father who use to be in prison broke out! Oh and by the way, I forgot to mention that my ex-girlfriend who stalked and attacked Matt has also escaped. If I said any of that she would surely dump my ass.  I just started dating this girl and I am already fucking up.  

I am really starting to worry about Alex. She uses to be so kind and simple and now shes just so... sad. I never loved Alex and no one really knew that we were together for a year but I feel horrible. If she had never seen me with Devina maybe she wouldn't have lost it. Maybe we could have had a simple break up and gone our separate ways without having all these bad memories. 

I look at the clock again and it is now six am. 

I do not know how Liam expects me to sleep with all this going on.  

I quietly move from my bed and pull my laptop out of the drawer from the desk and look up Phoebe. I know that it is wrong but I can't help it. I want to know her more.  Her search result yields interesting websites, mostly gossip blogs, but also a website titled Long Gone that her cousin Ava called a must-read blog on twitter. When I click on it, there are a ton of posts about a young girl named Tate who felt alone all the time. Tate was entering college and had never been in love or had sex and it made her feel like she wasn't interesting. Tate had three brothers and an absent-minded father. Her favorite novel of all time is Pride and Prejudice because Elizabeth Bennett is braver than any other women that Tate had read. The more and more I read the short stories about Tate Collins, the more I realized that there was no fictional Tate but real Phoebe venting using the character, Tate. 


If Phoebe is Tate, then the part of her never being in a relationship is true. I feel horrible. I wish she had told me, I would've made it more romantic. 

I email my assistant Laurli and ask her to send flowers to Phoebe for in the morning and then I will go visit her when I can. 

I hope that I don't royally screw this up...

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