Chapter 15: S.O.S

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It's really bright in here. And my head hurts. My mind goes through what happened but I realize that I have no idea what happened. The last thing I remember was going to check on the nose by the back patio and found Humpfry and that is it. The lights get brighter and I squint my eyes shut tighter and from the smell of cleaner and the wires attached to my body, I realize that I must be in a hospital. 

"Phoebe?" A man with jet black hair calls for my attention, but my head hurts too much so I don't answer. I sit and barely look up at him before I'm blinded by another light. Why the fuck is everything so bright? "Phoebe my name is Dr. Harden, tell me how many fingers I am holding up okay?" I look up and see 12 but that's wrong so now I am scared.

"Unless you actually have 12 fingers, I think my head is fucked up", I breathe back in response.

I hear faint tears in the background. "No Phoebe I don't have 12 fingers. I think that Phoebe has a concussion. Nurse, would you please turn the lights down a bit, it may be causing her pain."

Huh, no dip Sherlock.

"She'll be okay though right?" I hear my mother's sobbing voice in the background but I don't call out for her because I want to be left alone. Please, everyone, leave me alone! My head is killing me! 

"Yes. Let's let her rest." I hear dad's voice grumble. Thank you! I scream to myself. 

I want to tell them to come back to turn off all the lights, but again my voice is lost along with whatever energy it took to open up my eyes. 


"Man stop looking at your phone," Liam says as he can sense my worry. 

Phoebe is strong and stubborn. I didn't think it was a great idea to leave her right after having sex again, but I had to get to the recording studio. She might be mad again. I'll ask her if she is. My tenth message goes through and still no response from her. I am so not good at this boyfriend thing. I have never been good at it, not even with Alex, but Alex never cared that I was bad it. I was an ass to her all the time and she just put up with it. I have never had to try this hard for a girl, not that I mind, I like Phoebe. 

Liam smacks my head with a hard pillow and takes away my phone. "Look, man, you never want to ask a girl if she's mad."

"But how am I supposed to know if I have upset her?" 

 "She'll tell you. She sounds pretty tame- last time she was mad at you she told you. She'll probably stop giving you the silent treatment in about an hour then text you back and all will be well. " 

 "Yeah, I guess." He is right. Phoebe is a very straightforward person so if I truly upset her she will tell me. 

It has been two hours and she has not texted me. She hasn't called. I am not good at this whole boyfriend thing. I should figure out how to be better. I am so confused what did I do, I said I would call her when I was done, she seemed fine with it. Ahhhhh- girls confuse the fuck out of me. Maybe I wasn't cut out for this thing at all. 

I put my phone away and pull out my laptop. No news yet on Jack or Alex. Her family hasn't heard from her and neither has her old friend Marcus. No one has anything and it is starting to piss me off! I am paying a ton of money to a PI whose only message is that he still has not gotten a lead on either of them. 

"Yo Grant get your but back in here!" Dammit, Liam let me sulk in peace! 

"What?" Liam points to the TV phoebe's picture is on the screen alongside her father. 

"In recent news, Phoebe Grey, daughter to Christian and Anastasia Grey, was found with her head smashed this evening. Sources say that Phoebe was rushed to the hospital and is going to be fine; however, she will be in the ICU until the concussion she is suffering from is healed. Her brother Theodore Grey who currently is an intern with the FBI has reportedly made the case a full-on investigation. Mr and Mrs.Grey have not made any comments regarding who could have hurt their daughter but rumors report the police already have a decent clue as to who was Ms.Grey's attacker." 

"Fuck you, Liam!" I grab my bag and my keys and rush out the door. My Phoebe! Somebody has touched what is mine! 

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