Chapter 4: Meet me in the meadow

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Getting home from the party baby Dean and little Jared are both terribly antsy about being awake so long. Mom puts them to bed at grandpa Carrick's house in the guest bedroom but still neither of them are pleased. Dad and Teddy seem to be fine now but I suspect I am not the only one who had an interesting night, Teddy is puffy eyed and his cheeks are pink rose, the only explanation is that he had been crying very vigorously about something. I must remember to ask Gabriel if instead of his baby sister Teddy told him about whatever the reason is as to why he did not explain to me what is going on in his life lately. I just think it is best not to ask Teddy himself, he would just shut me out. That is all he has been doing lately. We were so close before he left and now our thread is to spread apart and I don't know why exactly it is that we're not anymore.

"Okay everyone go to bed. It's late and we need to get some sleep and we have breakfast with the family at Kate and Elliot's at 8 am so Phoebe please go to bed when you get all that make up off your face." Dad picks up baby Dean and kisses his little forehead. Little Jared wants dad to pick him up too so dad bends down and let's him jump on his back.

Mom kisses Teddy and I and tells us to have interesting dreams. Something she has done since I was very little was tell us to have interesting dreams, not sweet or nice, just interesting. One thing to adore my mother for is her way with words. A gift I wish I had inherited.

After my shower, I quickly towel dry my long hair and throw it up into a lazy bun. I put on my night shorts and my black tank top and head to my desk to get on my computer. Pulling my desktop screen there is news of a recent homicide investigation reviewing the evidence of a murder from 10 years ago supposedly having a connection with the recent one. Same MO, young girl murdered in her apartment off campus from Washington State, strangulation cause of death, blonde. I love reading the news and knowing exactly what is going on in the world.

"I find it amusing how like your mother you refuse to do as I say. Just once you think you will listen to me?"

Without looking at dad ( due to the fact I am still angry with him) I answer facing my computer. "Unlikely!" I snort.

"Phoebe would you please look at me." Because I don't respond dad walks over to me and shuts my computer. At this point I become angry and I decide I want to read now. Walking over to my book shelf I pull out The Casebook Of Sherlock Holmes. And my father is now well aware that I am ignoring him. "You can be mad at me all you want but all I knew was that my little girl was missing for hours and the last I saw her she was running away with some teenage punk singer." The disgust in his face is prominent and makes me think he is just generalizing Grant with others.

"Seriously, even you know who he is?"

"I work in the business sector, sometimes I cross paths with the music industry from time to time." Wow! Even my father is cooler than me.

"You reacted like an idiot. You're incredibly smart and that's how you use your intelligence? That is just terrible." Dad huffs with frustration and puts his fingers on his temples.

"You are right and I am sorry; however, you are my daughter and you should have told me where you were going before running off with a stranger. That was a horrible way to use your intelligence!" Damn, son of a lawyer folks. I instantly feel less confident about my argument than I was before.

"Are you done?" I ask with a big helping of sass.

"Phoebe you know I hate to leave things unsaid. Like it or not we are talking, Now!" He shouts.

"Well yes dad when people use both their voices and mouths to say words that is called talking! Good job Harvard." Dad opens his mouth to yell but quickly closes it. I distance myself from him and walk toward the couch in front of my window while he leans against my dresser. Taylor walks by and begins to speak but dad silences him before he does. With one wave of the hand Taylor disappears giving me a look of sympathy as he leaves.

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