Chapter 10: How long does it take to count the stars

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"You what?" Ava screams into the pillow on my bed. I disclose everything and I only feel slightly ashamed. What if Grant doesn't want to see me again? What if now that he's had me he doesn't want me anymore? So much is going through my mind and so far it is only the bad thoughts.

"Ava I don't know what I am going to do. I mean if my dad finds out..."

"He won't."

"And how do you know that?"

"I am going to go get a morning after pill, then you are going to take a shower, and lastly both of us are never speaking of this except to each other. Now before I go take off your outfit and put it in the washing machine and jump in the shower. Do not talk to anyone about the date until I prep you so you can lie to them. I'll be back soon." Ava sounds like this is a process she has to endure often.

"Thank you, Ava."

"You're  welcome, love."

 I do exactly as Ava tells me to but before I can hide in my room and jump into the shower My mother stops me in my tracks. "Hey Phee slow down. Tell me about your date!" God no. I'm not good at lying. She'll see right through me!

Shit! Ava isn't here and I don't know what to say. Teddy moves behind our mother and throws his arm around her shoulder joining the hell that I am now in. 

"Yeah Phee, how was the date with the famous pop star?" Damn you, Teddy!

"Um, it was great. He was a, um," I have no idea how in the hell I am supposed to tell them it was wonderful when I don't even know if it was good or not. Luckily Ava comes pounding down the hallway before I can finish my sentence.

"Okay, you two leave her alone! I have to gossip with my girl here and neither of you is invited." Ava pushes me into my bedroom and throws me onto my bed. "What part of don't talk to anyone about it can you not comprehend?"

"I tried, mom cornered me."

Teddy knocks once and enters my room. Ava and I both straighten up and smile. "Phoebe please tell me you did not sleep with that guy."

"I...I didn't."

"Oh my god, you did!"

"Alright smarty-pants, how do you know that?" Ava asks. She places her hands on her hips in a protective motherly stance.

"You came in here with your morning-after pills in your makeup bag and vodka in a seven up bottle like you did when Cecilia and I had sex in the pool house."

"Oh, that's disgusting."

"Phoebe you literally just slept with a slimeball. I would be careful about who you judge." Yeah, that's true. Grant isn't a slimeball though, is he? 

"I don't even know why I did it. I just got carried away." I liked it, I did, but was it all too soon? God, I am an idiot!

"He didn't force you did he?"

"No Teddy." He didn't force, I am the one who practically crawled on top of him. He is a guy after all. 

"Just Checking Phee."

I flop on my bed and my whole body hurts. "Ow!"

Ava sits right next to me and hands me a bottle of water and two Advil. "You're gonna hurt for a bit. It's gonna be like that for the first couple of times. And here," Ava hands me an orange pill, kinda looks like a tick tac, "That's the morning after pill. It stops anything from advancing."

"I thought that was what a condom was for."

"Yes, but they are only 97% effective so better safe than pregnant in high school."

"How do you feel?" Teddy asks. They both lay on my bed next to me and I wanna cry. Not because it was bad but if he doesn't want to see me anymore I will be broken hearted. I don't know if guys feel the same way after sex as girls do, but if they do then that means that Grant is just as confused as myself. 

"I don't know. It was fun while it was happening."

"But now?"

"What if he doesn't want to see me anymore?" I cover up my eyes with my hands and cross my legs.

Teddy lifts me onto his lap and pulls my hands from my face. "If he tries to pull that I'll call my CIA contact." I can't help but laugh uncontrollably and I feel slightly less worried than before.

"Okay babe, hop up and get in the shower. I don't want the smell of sex on you."

I laugh along with Teddy, "you cant smell sex you freak." Teddy jokes.

"Christian will..." And as crazy as it sounds, she's probably right.


"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" Everyone is staring at me without answering any of my questions. My biological father has decided to make my life more difficult and break out of prison the same time my ex-girlfriend decides to leave the hospital her family put her in. I cannot catch a fucking break. Before I know it my tears hit my cheeks and not because I am sad but because I was angry. I am so fucking frustrated. I've seen the man in person once in my whole life so he couldn't possibly be coming here for me, could he?

Liam's big arms make their way around my shoulders and squeeze me tight. "It'll be okay." He says.

"You always say that."

"Because it's true. " My dads stare at us and I know that there is more than they are not saying. I wanna yell at everyone but before I get the chance my phone rings. Oh no, poor Phoebe needs my word I loved our date just as much as she did. 

Liam grabs it before I do and sends it straight to voicemail. Shit! She'll think that I am blowing her off. "Liam I need to answer."

He rolls his eyes and Gilden becomes more curious, "who is it that you need to answer right now?"

"Phoebe shes my..." but what is she? We just had sex and I am deeply curious by her and care for her. No one has ever captivated me like her. No one has ever held my attention like that. She's different. She's pure, well not anymore. She's mine for sure now I know it. "My girlfriend."

"Oh my God no! You cannot date someone right now you fucking moron!" Liam never yells at me which is why I am so caught off guard and step back along with my dads. "She's nice and pretty but you're far too complicated for her! Leave her alone Grant for the love of goodness sake!"

"I can't!"

"Why?" He growls.

"She's different. " I wanna tell him that she's mine. That when I get to hold her I feel different and kind and not the version he knows. I wanna tell him that I just made love for the first time and didn't fuck because I have never been that gentle to anyone. I can't tell him in front of my dads.

But I think that Liam sees right through me as he gestures to my dads to give us a moment while he pushes me into the hall outside our hotel room, "Grant did you sleep with her?!" Her furious whispers blow harshly onto my face.

"Yes." Liam punches me in the gut and I hit the floor in pain. Like I said the guy is all muscles.

"I am gonna kill you!"

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