Chapter 13: Kiss

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Dad left in such a hurry, he didn't say much to me. I try my very best to continue working, but I can't help it- I am terrified. If my father truly believes that I lost my virginity to Grant, he will most definitely make sure that I don't get to see Grant again. Tammy attempts to calm my nerves but I worry too much for her to get anything into my brain. 

When we close up the store, Grant and some other guy are waiting outside the store. Tammy introduces herself to Grant and his friend and then quickly dismisses herself so that she can go pick up dinner for her and Beth. 

"What are you doing here?" I snap at him, a bit harder than I meant to, but still deserved. 

"I thought I could take you by the studio we are using, we will come and get your car after," his hands tug on mine and I surrender to him being kissed on both my palms and then my neck. His friend seems uncomfortable but hugs me hello anyways, "This is my man Liam." 

Liam is very different than Grant. Other than they are both British and in the same band, there is a completely different vibe from him. He has dark hair and grey eyes. Paler skin than Grant and dimples I find adorable the second that I notice them, "Nice to meet you, Phoebe." 

"You too." 

"Alright well, let's go. She can't stay out too late or her father will strangle me." 

Liam takes my bag and my coat when we enter their SUV and offers to hold them in the back with him. Unlike Grant, he opens the door for me and waits until we get inside to continue the conversation, "Well, judging by your recent behavior, sounds like it wouldn't be completely undeserved." 

"Shut it you wanker." Grant snaps as he pulls into the tunnel. 

Lim's hand reaches to my right shoulder and he leans in so Grant won't hear, "Don't let him fool you, he is extremely nervous around you." 

Grant's studio is really elegant. The lobby is decorated much like my father's office with grey and white walls but beautiful accent pieces in each corner. Giant posters of Grant's band Yellow brick road are covering the hallways. They all look different but each has Grant right in the center and Liam with his arm wrapped around him. Liam stays behind me the whole time while Grant goes on and on about the songwriting process for him. I didn't even think he wrote his own songs because a lot of artists really don't. He talks about how they came up with their band name- originally it was called over the rainbow in support of Grant's dads, but ultimately they wanted something that sounded as if they were going on the right path so they called it yellow brick road. 

Once in his sound booth, he pulls out his music sheets, all of them with the most beautiful handwriting causing me to burst with laughter, "What is so funny Phee?"

"You have the writing of a proper old lady." 

"Oh my goodness, I know!" I hear Liam shout. 

"Excuse me, I have a very manly handwriting!" 

I sit next to him on the piano and kiss his ear gently, "Of course you do." 

"Uh Liam, do you mind going to check out that thing?" 

Liam smiles and I know very well that there is nothing that needs to be checked but I think it is adorable that Grant wants some alone time. I like this part of our relationship the best so far. Just sitting here with him talking about his passions and love in the world of music- from Drake to Mozart, he loves all kinds of music. Growing up the way I did, my dad and my mom got very invested in us listening to their music in the house that I never paid attention to people like Troye Sivan and The Fray but spending time with Grant is like going to music school. He plays for me a song called Look After You by The Fray that he says is probably one of the most romantic songs he has ever heard and after listening to it, I agree. 

"Do you know how to play the piano?" He asks placing my hands on the keys before I even answer his question. 

"My dad always wanted me to learn, but I was never very into it." 

"Aw, Phoebe, music is the very thing that made me into you." 

Ah yes, the performance at the charity ball. I try not to ask him but only myself- had I not been dragged onto a stage with Gabe and his terrible band, would Grant be interested in me now? Would he even notice me? "Well, you know what I do- what is it that you want to do Phoebe?" 

"In general? Or career-wise?" 


In actuality, I have no idea. I have just assumed I would work for my dad or my mom- I never  really focused on what I would do or what I was passionate about, "I guess I never really thought about it." 

His whole hand begins to intertwine in my own and we begin to play something soft and beautiful. This is his world that he loves so much. Creative space and simple melodies that intrigue him. "You have so much depth in you; I am very confident that you'll find your bliss soon enough." 

"How did you get into music?"

The melody picks up and I try my best to follow him, but his fingers go light years ahead of mine on the keys, "I always loved music. My dads told me if you get a job that you love doing, then you never work a day in your life and that sounded positively wonderful." 

"I am not sure if I love anything the way you love music." 

"I doubt it. It may not be obvious to you but surely there is something you like doing more than other things. Something that people might find odd so you never thought about looking into it. Life is too short to listen to people who are normal when the world is so much more fun when things are unconventional." 

"Jesus, you are a songwriter." 

"I try my best." 

"Just play something else; I hate talking about myself." 

His soft lips kiss my ear, "As you wish", he moves me onto his lap playing something more upbeat than anything he has played me yet. 

I could get used to this. 


I totally sratched the old version of this chapter because it just didn't feel like me. I hope everyone is okay with that. 

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