Chapter 25: Goodbye Phoebe Grey

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Everyone is being checked out by the paramedics and Phoebe's security team, that I do not know the names of, have been rushed to the hospital. Jack was unconscious and rushed there just minutes after I got her. Alex stabbed him twice with a metal plaque that Mr. Grey had on his desk. Phoebe and Liam told me to go with him but I said no, that stranger isn't important to me at all and doesn't deserve anything from me. 

I sit with Phoebe and Liam while she gets checked out. Other than a cut on her leg from Alex biting her and a couple of bruises from when Phoebe fell, but other than that she is going to be okay. The paramedic gives her some pain killers and tells her to book an appointment with a doctor to check on the baby but he thinks she is perfectly fine thank goodness. Liam is the first to break the awkward silence but excusing himself to see how Mr. and Mrs. Grey is doing. The second he leaves I wish he didn't.  

I go to put my hand on her shoulder but she shakes it off immediately. I am not sure how to say that I am sorry for my crazy girlfriend trying to kill you and your family but I say it again in the hopes she actually believes me this time but instead I just silence and she runs her fingers threw her hair. 

"You should go," She says hoping off the back part of the ambulance and straightening out her nightgown.  

"Okay," I get off the ambulance too and go to kiss her forehead but she dodges me before I can, "Phoebe I am sorry." 

"This isn't about Alex, it is about us. You should go because we are done." 

Oh, this about the baby thing. She is picking the baby and doesn't want me involved... "You don't want me involved?" I say pointing to her stomach. 

She nods her head yes and holds her stomach as she begins to cry and cry. I want to comfort her but I don't think she wants me too. "Phoebe, I do love you. If you want me to stay and be with you and the baby, I will." 

"I don't. I realized it inside that we had wasn't as real as I thought because if it was I wouldn't feel anxiety when I see you, I would feel relief. You didn't bother to get to know me and didn't care either and Liam already told me you said you didn't want the baby so go and live your life without me." 

I look to Liam and shoot him a furious glare that I feel bubbling inside of me, "Phoebe, you deserve everything." 

"You're right, and you are not it." She walks away and goes to her dad. He wraps his arms around her and she cries in his arms as he sways her back and forth. Her mom begins to pet her head and place kisses on her arms. 

I don't even look for Liam, I just walk to the end of their extremely long driveway and get into my car. She doesn't want me anymore. She doesn't want the world that I can give her or the things that I can buy here she wants love and connection which I cannot give her right now. 

As I pull out of her driveway, I look in the rearview mirror and see looking at my car driving away and I wonder if I could replay all of this if I would do it right next time. 


The band is all packed up except for Liam. I know he isn't coming back with me. I have felt his absence long before now I just thought he would change his mind last minute and actually go with me. Keagan comes in and out of the room waiting for him but he also knows that Liam Calloways time as Yellow Brick Road band member is done. We built this life together and now we have to live it apart. Not only did I lose Phoebe, but I also lost a brother due to my actions and selfishness. How can I be this dumb? 

I leave a letter with Liam's name on it so that when he does come back here he reads it...

"Grant, we have to go, man," Matt says. 

"Yeah, I am coming." 

I take one last look at the Seattle skyline from my window. I remember when I just got here how upset I was that we would be in Seattle for weeks when it is always so cold and the people are obsessed with overpriced coffee drinks. I had no idea what would happen here or who I would meet. I never thought I would fall in love so intensely and then get dropped on my ass when I fucked it up. From a distance I see the towers lights flash on and off and I think about how nice it would have been to take Phoebe there. I rip my eyes away from it and then pick up my bag throwing it on my shoulder and shutting the curtains closed. 

I leave Phoebe's locket on the note I left for Liam and then meet Matt at the door. My last thought before I leave the hotel is that I never got to say goodbye. 

Goodbye Phoebe Grey, I think to myself and hope that somewhere she can actually hear me. 


And that's a wrap! Thank you for everyone who has been reading and keeping up with the updates! I love my Phoebe so much and only want to due to her justice so I will edit the second book as well and finish the third so that she gets everything I want her to, 

xo Michaela 

PS Please go read Deep Into Darkness it is the second book and vote! 

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