Chapter 20: Although It Might Be True

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I wake to the bright lights of the hospital room, making me squint my eyes shut. I am alone in my room which is not usually the case when I come here. Usually, there is a very frantic dad in the corner and a compassionate Teddy trying to ease the worries in the room. I attempt to get off my bed since I really need to pee but it doesn't work out for me as I am attached to many wires and have a needle in my left arm. What is going on here? I fainted due to worry and stress or something else, god I don't even know at this point, but I know it doesn't have to be this serious! 


I know that sound! That is my dad! Oh God, Grant must have come down from his trip early to see me and ran into my dad first! Ava really must stop informing him when something like this happens. I rush to pull off all the wires and cords from me and move to save Grant. When I get off the bed, the door swings open and a male nurse in scrubs rushes in and quickly lifts my back onto my bed, "Please! My dad will kill him!" 

"We will take care of that if he does ma'am but for now back into bed for you." 

"Lord! I fainted it is not this serious!" 

"You fainted from exhaustion and stress from being pregnant ma'am, so get back into bed so the fluids will go through." 

My laugh erupts from my mouth before I can catch it but the nurse doesn't bother to ask me why I am laughing or why I am not taking it seriously, he just continues to attach the wires back to my body. "Oh no! You are serious?" 

"Yes, ma'am I am." 

I try to think of my last period but since I have always been so irregular it never made me think I would be pregnant if I was late. OG GOD GRANT KNOWS MY DAD IS ABOUT TO FUCKING KILL HIM! There is no chance of fighting with this nurse about getting up because once he is finished he simply turns on the tv and leaves the room. I am dead! Grant is dead! Everyone on planet earth is dead now my dad will make sure of it! What do I even say to him- hey dad I am pregnant because I have been having sex regularly with a guy you hate more than anything. 

I look around for my phone to call Teddy but it is nowhere to be seen. That's it! Grant is dead and I can't stop it. 

The door swings open once more and to my surprise, it isn't my dad, or Teddy, or Grant- it's Liam. 

"Hey there." 

His voice is timid and clearly upset over my dad yelling in his face but all in all his presence is calming nonetheless. "Are you okay? I thought he was yelling at Grant but clearly not." 

"Believe it or not, I have dealt with worse than your dad, but yes, I am okay. What about you? How long have you known?"

Jesus! Everyone must know I am pregnant now! "Literally two seconds ago I was told so not very long." 

"I told Grant he needed to end it! I told him not to make a mess of things..."

"Excuse me?" I can feel my skin boil from his words. Did he tell him to break up with me? Are you fucking serious? he doesn't even know me! And I haven't even gotten to tell Grant or figure out how I feel right now! 

"No, not like that! You're great but Grant he breaks things that aren't meant to be broken all the time!"

"Like what?" 

Liam's eyes dilate to the point of no return and he shakes his head no, "Oh no, I can't tell you that!" 

"Tell me! Whatever it is that he has broken and tell me now! I just found out I am pregnant with his child so whatever it is, I need to know now!" 

Liam paces back and forth at the end of my bed, I snap his fingers and pat the empty space next to me, signaling him to come closer. He does so immediately and places his hand on top of mine, "has he ever spoken to you about a girl named Alex?"


I tell her everything. I tell her how Grant met Alex at a fan meet and greet. I tell her how he slept with her a meer two hours after meeting and it made her extremely attached. I tell her how he cheated on her every time we went out of town. I tell her that Alex said she loved him until death due them part and how I think she really meant it. I tell her how Alex was so broken-hearted about Grant and my sister Devina that she tried to kill herself in his room in Philidephia so he would always have her with him. 

She stays completely silent through the whole story and I hear little gasps every now and again but no actual words. When it's over she doesn't say anything until I hug her, I hear little sobs until I finally hear her whisper, "Although it might be true, I am afraid of not loving him." 

"You should talk to him and see where his headspace is right now." 

"I will, but Liam, can I ask you a favor?" 

"Yeah, of course, what's up?" 

"Can you stay with me? I don't know where my dad is but I know he is probably pissed at me." 

I bring my hand up to her face and she leans into it sending shocks of intense chemistry and attraction to me, I am a crazy person right now! I can't hit on my friend's pregnant girlfriend! "Yeah sure. He is pissed but mainly at Grant if that helps." 

"He might kill him before I even have a chance to tell Grant." Her soft laugh makes me lean in and kiss her forehead and I think she is more surprised by me than I am of my actions. I can't help it! Grant's right I find her attractive and there's something that makes me want to tell her how much better I could be than him for her but I know how dumb that all sounds so I just pull away and grab the covers to pull over her body. 

"Sleep." I say. 

She listens and lays down slowly closing her eyes completely. As she drifts away, I can't help but wonder, what would have happened if I met her first. 


I love Liam! I don't know if I mentioned that or not but I do! 

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xo Michaela

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