Chapter 8: Treat you better

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   "Phoebe would you please stay out of this!" Teddy yells. 

 "Will that's a little hard considering the fact you have been fucking my best friend for a year." I retort back. 

 "It will never work," Teddy whispers with deep frustration. 

 "I promised him I would help him Teddy so that is what I am doing. He told his family and it almost broke him but he did it. He went and signed up for therapy so he could figure out how to fully be with you. What's it going to take for you to get back with him?" Teddy says nothing but grabs my arm and pushes me out of his room. 

 It sucks but I just do not think I can help Gabriel or Teddy anymore. I just have to help from afar for now on. 

 In my room, my things are laid out so that my first date with Grant will hopefully be okay. I have never been on a date so I don't really know what I am heading into but I trust that everything will be fine. Ava and mom both thought my outfit is classy but not too much. Dad refused to discuss anything involving the date. My make up is subtle as it always is. Hair is straightened and looks more black than ever. Mom says to not talk to dad about my hair anymore, he doesn't like to think about Grandma Ella much. I wish he would tell me more about her but that seems unlikely the more I learn about him. 

7 pm...

 Taylor enters the living room and comes to an abrupt halt. "Phoebe Mr. James is here." 

 "Dad I need to get my stuff from upstairs- please, please, please do not scare him off." After I am done pleading I run upstairs to get my purse and keys then run down the stairs to find Grant smiling at my father and shaking his hand. 

 "Nice to properly meet you, Mr. Grey." Charming as ever.

 "Well, it is a better meeting then the time you made my daughter disappear for hours at a time." Damnit, dad! I rush to Grant's side and he pulls me close with one hand wrapped around my waist.I knew it! I knew my dad would ruin this for me!

 "Yes, I am afraid that was my fault. I thought when we ran off to the back of the house where there is a bridge leading to only one place where we could go, throws me off logically wise as well." Oh no. Grant and my father, the two men of my life are both socially dominant. I don't think this will go well. If I don't break it off now, dad might break Grant.

 "Okay well, we better go. Sorry to interrupt this pissing contest you two are enjoying." Grabbing Grant by his cuff I do a light jog out the door. 

 "Lovely evening," Grant says, taking my outfit in. "Every time I see you-you are in a dress, why is that?"

 "You have only seen me twice. Come around more often and I will show you the very classy collection of jeans and sweatpants that I own." Grant laughs uncontrollably for a good minute than casually slides an arm around my waist. "You know your dad is spying on us, right?" Turning my head slightly I see my father's gaze stuck on where Grant's hand resides on my waist. 

  I wave to him goodbye. "I wouldn't worry about it too much. If he wanted to hurt you he would have done it by now, promise." 

 Grant smiles charmingly then kiss me softly. "Unfortunately your father doesn't scare me. I'll let you know if that changes." 

 "Okay. But we should have a code word just in case he scares you while we're all in the room together; that way I can get you out quicker." Grant taps he index finger against his chin with deep thought, or at least mocking the expression of deep thought. 

 "I like honeydew." 

 "Interesting choice, why that one?" 

 "The first time we kissed you tasted like honeydew. I like it now." I feel my cheeks starting to burn and try my hardest to not be flushed by his answer but the blushing seeps through anyway. Will there be a time that I can just look at him and not be so affected? 

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