Chapter 24: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Alex leads me to the end of the hallway and opens the door to my dad's study. I can hear him still trying to scream at Alex but he is not getting that tape off from around his head. I have no idea how she shot two people and tied up my family, wait, not my whole family, "Alex where is my baby brother Dean?" 

"He's in his crib don't worry. I only tied up the ones that annoyed me." 

We walk in the room with her still pressing the gun to my back and everything inside of me tries to not run from her because this isn't just me now, my family is tied up and I am carrying a baby. Oh, my little peanut-sized baby! She gestures me to my dad's beverage cabinet and points to the water, "You... You want water?" I stagger in my speech and she smiles and then nods yes. She is terrifying but I can't show her that. I give her the water and she gives me another odd smile that sends a shiver down my spine. 

"What is it about you?" She asks rubbing my dad's velvet couch with her hands leaving fingerprints on it. 

"What about me?" 

"What is it about you that Grant left me for you? Why are you special? We look similar for sure, both rich father's but what is it about you that he is intensely infatuated with?" 

"Have you spoken to him about me?" 

"No, but Liam's phone is very easily tapped when I got a job for your dad's office security." 

Oh no! If she got access to his system she would definitely be able to tap his phone. "Alex, why are you here? Grant broke up with me..." Please let her believe me! Please! 

"No, he didn't." 

"He hasn't spoken to me in twenty-four hours because I told him I want to take it slow so I am pretty sure I am being blown off." 

She looks at me now not with hatred but hopeful in a way. She believes me thank goodness! Maybe I can get out of here... "But why would he dump you if he loves you?"

"Alex," I go to sit on the couch with her and she lets me without pointing the gun at me, "He didn't love me he lied to sleep with me and I am an idiot." As I say the words I realize they are true. Our connection, our relationship, was all based on pure attraction towards each other. He never bothered to really get to know me and I didn't really try with him either. We didn't try for each other- none of it was as real as I assumed. 

"He does that to a lot of people..." Alex murmurs. 

"So why fight for someone like that?" 

"I... I love him."

"Should you?" 

She doesn't have time to answer because of the door swings open and a tall man with dirty blonde hair and dirt-covered skin comes in and stops dead in his tracks when he sees Alex. 

"SON OF A BITCH!" Alex screams standing to point the gun right in his face but he matches her by pulling out a larger one, oh no, that Taylors Gun! He got that from Taylor's vulnerable body that is bleeding out right now. "I thought I killed your homeless ass." 

"Next time check," He looks to me and then focuses on my stomach. His body relaxes and then looks back to Alex, "You don't think you have taken this far enough yet? Grant doesn't want you and now that you have done all this he will never forgive you!" 

"You are one to talk! He hates you! You hurt Phoebe's mom, but Grant doesn't know that does he?" 

"Anastasia is a little bitch and always has been, but Phoebe is pregnant with my grandchild so leave her alone now!" 

How the fuck does he know I am pregnant? And this is Jack fucking Hyde! Jack Hyde is Grant's biological father? Geez, I am screwed when it comes to this baby's genetics! 

"Grant will always love me!" Alex screams back. I look to the door but the gunfire would kill me if I get in the middle! There is literally no way out of here! 

"You crazy mother fucker! No, he doesn't!" 

She leaps across the room and tackles him to the floor. I am frozen in place by watching them. Jack gets control once more and grabs her hair slamming it against the floor, "RUN YOU DUMBASS!" He yells at me. 

I listen to him and run out the door to the hallway closet but I fall once I feel her hand wrapped around my leg causing me to fall! Damnit she is going to kill me! I use my free leg to kick her square in her face and it works because she instantly lets go of me. Rushing to my feet I feel blood trickle down my leg, the bitch bit me! 

I feel like I am running forever but I finally get back to the dining room and slide to Sawyer on the floor. I hear him murmur something but I don't have time to try and understand him. I ruffle around his jacket and find his small gun. 


Fuck fucks fuck! I move my eyes upward and see Jared crying so hard and screaming through the duct tape. I can't turn around or move or she'll shoot them. If I do move fast enough she might shoot me and my baby. Either way is a lose-lose situation. 

"Alex enough!" Wait, I know that voice, that's Grant! 

"Grant baby," She starts but when I turn around to see him he slaps her hard across the face and she drops her gun. 

"The police are outside. There is no way to get out of this so please go peacefully now!" 

For some reason, his words work on her and she cradles her arms and begins weeping as she goes out of the door. Liam rushes in and then goes to untie everyone cutting of the tape and the cable ties. 

"Phoebe?" Grant says grabbing my arm and pulling me up into his, "I am so sorry Phoebe." 

"Me too." 

We hold onto each other and police officers and paramedics come rushing in to look at Taylor and Sawyer. "There is another man in the study, I think he's hurt," I tell one of the paramedics and he nods and then rushes down the hall. 

I still hang onto Grant while everyone rushes around and checks on everyone. My dad attempts to talk to me but I can't right now. I want to hang onto Grant because I know I will have to let him go soon enough. 


I am adding two new chapters and then that's a wrap on book one revising! 

Thank you to everyone who keeps reading and voting it is highly appreciated. 

xo Michaela 

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