Chapter 23: Crystal Clear and In Plain View

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I am so royally screwed right now! I told him! I told Grant what only Phoebe had the right to tell and now I feel like a major douchebag. I couldn't stop myself from catching the words as they flew out of my mouth. Grant was yelling at me assuming that I had hooked up with his girlfriend and I would never! Did I think about it? Of course, I did! Would I ever go through with it? No, I wouldn't! He hasn't said a word in two whole hours. He just keeps looking up at the ceiling while lying flat on his back and murmuring condom over and over again.  I don't try and get him to talk because when he is completely shocked it is best to leave him alone.  

His phone goes off, again and again, I know it is Phoebe. She thinks he doesn't know and he needs to know. I feel my guilt building and building with the thought of her sitting there and anxiously waiting to Grant what I found it a couple of days ago. "Grant she keeps calling and texting man." 

"Condom... condom... condom" My Lord this man is just out of it! He has to talk to her though! 

"Grant, answer the phone. She is probably freaking out." 

"I still don't understand why she told you and not me first." He snaps at me still looking lost into the ceiling. 

"She didn't. I went to the hospital as you said to and when I got there her insanely strong father almost murdered me because I am associated with your dumbass who fucked a girl IN A MUESEUM WITHOUT A CONDOM LIKE AN IDIOT!" I feel a little weight come off my shoulders, not all of it, but enough to make me feel better. I didn't realize how nice it is to yell at him when he's an ass. 

My lecture infuriates him and he jumps off of the bed and hits my shoulder, not sending any pain to it but enough to annoy me. "It was spontaneous!" 

"Well, I hope your ready to be called daddy by a kid and not a groupie because that is where spontaneous sex is putting you!" 

"What the hell am I supposed to do Liam? I am not ready to be a dad!" 

"That is clear to literally EVERYONE who knows you, but you can't just bail! You say you love Phoebe well this is love Grant! The hard parts come with the sexy and fun parts and that is what I tried to tell you before all of this even started." He cannot leave Phoebe pregnant and alone! He did this to her and she wants the baby. 

"If I talk to Phoebe, maybe she will see it my way and not want the baby." 

"She does she told me so." 

"Damn," He places his hands on his hips and gives a look like he is in deep thought, "I can't be a dad, I am still a baby myself." 

"Let me be clear, " I stand up to match him and place my hand on his shoulders beginning to squeeze them, "If you skip out on this baby, I will never ever speak to you again." 

"I won't skip out! If she wants me to stay I will but if she asks me to leave I will do that too." 

Not the best answer but honest enough for me not to pound his face in. 

We don't talk after that for a while. I just sit at the desk and write my heart out to WSU admission office. I want to get my degree and then get licensed to become a PI. I love the idea of it and being in this childish sex-crazed boy band is driving me nuts. I only did this for Grant but he isn't the same person I have loved since I was in middle school. Our parents loved each other and were friends so it always felt like we were brothers but now it feels like he some piece of shit stranger that I have to put up with.  

Phoebe and I both deserve better. 

"LIAM!" Grant shouts from behind me. 


"Alex just texted me!" 


"We have to go to Phoebe's right now!" 


He throws his phone at me while he grabs his stuff, 

Meet me at Grey's house or your sad little replacement of me will be dead faster than you come during sex. 


I wake from my nap and the room is incredibly dark. That is so weird... I usually leave a small night light on so that when I wake up there is something to help me see. I go to reach for my phone but it is gone the only thing left is the charger and a small post-it note with terrible handwriting- 

Come downstairs now 

Geez! Is dad actually grounding me for getting pregnant? And he took my phone away! Ugh, he is going to make my life a living hell from now on I can feel it. 

I get out of bed and go for my robe that hangs at the end of my headboard, I definitely know I didn't put that there! He is messing with me that petty piece of trash! 

Walking downstairs, I see small rose petals distributed across the steps leading me to the dining room. I pull apart the doors and gasp from horror. Oh My God! 

Dad, Teddy, Mom, and Jared are tied to the dining chairs and Taylor and Sawyer are on the ground! 

Rushing to them I see all the blood, dear God they have been shot! "TAYLOR! SAWYER!" 

I feel something push against my back and I have an awful feeling that it is a gun. "Get up you skank!" 

My dad begins to hound as loud as he can for a man who has duct tape around his mouth. The girl behind me grows angry and picks up a black leather whip and smacks him hard against the face to shut him up, "STOP!" I scream back at her. 

"Oh relax you spoiled little bitch! I am not here to hurt them they just happened to be here. Come with me... We are going to have a little chat about my Grant." 

Her Grant? Who the fuck is this bitch? I go with her willingly and pray that she doesn't shoot the baby. 


Rewriting and editing are so hard guys! But I am much prouder of this version of the book. I hope you all like it too! 

xo Michaela 

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