Chapter 7: Well, isn't this a strange window?

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   "What are you doing here Gabriel?" I ask a little stronger than I meant to.

  "Well Phoebe called, she said that you were depressed and when she found out why; she wanted me to try and make it better so I thought the only way to make it better would be to get back together." That is all I want. 

 "How can you say that when you couldn't even tell my sister we were together in the first place!" Yelling did nothing to him, Gabriel sat there and took it, let me rant and rant until I was finished. Until I was completely out of breath, then when it was all over and he said nothing I started to cry, AGAIN! Seems like I have been doing nothing but crying lately. Gabriel has always cradled me while I cried. Held me in his beautiful arms while the scent of his cologne consumed me. 

 "Teddy you're right and I am sorry. I wasn't ready and I am still not but if you just give me a little time we can be together for real this time. I promise." I can't anymore. He says he needs time but it could take years and that isn't fair for me.  I gather myself and pull away from his arms knowing that was the last time I would be in them. 

 "Gabriel I love you." Gabriel smiles and stands but I stop him before he can say anything. "But we aren't right for each other and I can't be with you anymore. You need to leave." 

 Dad and Taylor walk past my room but stop when they see Gabriel. "Hello Mr. Prince." Taylor says to Gabriel. 

 "Taylor will show you out." I say to Gabriel. 

 "But Teddy..."

 "NO! Leave! Go find someone who wants to wait forever for you to change!" I gesture him to Taylor and he is about to say something before Taylor politely shushes him and leads him out of my bedroom. 

 "Teddy?" My dad asks. 


 "Are you sure that is what you want?" 

 "I am certain it is not even close but what I want is not the same as what is good for me." Dad nods in agreement then exits my bedroom. All alone again. As I will stay for the rest of my life it seems. 


 Gabriel is now outside and in tears. From the looks of it Teddy kicked him out. Teddy is stubborn and so is Gabriel but Teddy is even more so. Even when we were little he always won the arguments, he always thought logically, never strayed from where he should be or what he should do. And now my big brother is stuck in the illogical part of life, love. Love is nothing close to logical and it must kill him. 

 I decide to call Gabriel and he picks up right away. 

 "Hey Phoebes what's up?" 

 "Don't 'Hey Phoebes what's up?' me. What the fuck happened I thought you guys were going to make up not have a second break up!" 

 "Yeah look can you meet me at the usual place please?" 

 "Yeah sure: if you promise to tell me everything." 

 "Yeah fine just come now please!" 

 I put on some blue jeans and my black leather jacket with my platform boots then make my way down the stairs. Teddy, mom, and dad are sitting in the living room and I pick up my keys from the key bowl in the foyer. 

 "Phoebe where are you going?" Dad yells, as I begin to open the door. Lord knows that there is no way that I can sneak out of this fortress ever.

 "Well you see my brother made a stupid decision about a year ago to date my best friend and now that everything is fucked up, I have to go consul my friend while you comfort the guy that started all this in the fucking first place. So if you'll excuse me i'll be back in an hour." Teddy looks completely stunned and hurt but I have no time to apologize. 

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