Happy Birthday Baby

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Happy Birthday Baby

FOUR YEARS AND FIVE MONTHS LATER....   Matty is 39, Sums is 31, Kaleb is 39, Katie is 33, Nate is 40, Adam is 39, Scott is 36, Hannah is 30, Rachel is 33, Shane is 37, Charlotte is 23 

25TH May 2019 

Summer's POV

I rolled over tiredly in my nice warm bed and snuggled up closer to my hunky husband, who was snoring. Let's see how long this "sleep in" will last, even though it is only 6:27 in the morning, and my day off from work. I wonder what it feels like to actually stay in bed past seven, something Matty and I haven't done in five years.

"Mummy, wake up." a little soft voice said as he climbed up on the bed, and tucked himself up behind me. I can't be mad at my birthday boy, for waking up at the crack of dawn. I turned around slowly and looked into my baby boy's big green eyes and smiled.

"Happy birthday Baby, come here." I smiled as he wrapped his little arms around me and I kissed his rosy cheeks. Jace Ryan, is four today, he picked up more looks from his daddy, his deep green eyes, the dimples, but has my dark brown hair.

"Can we go park." he said very excited and also began to bounce on the bed, which got Matty groaning and moving around.

"Mummy and Daddy have a better idea, since it's your birthday, we are taking you to the Zoo, how does that sound." I told him and as soon as I did, he let a loud squeal and jumped up, them body slammed into Matt. 

"Yes!" Jace shouted and then was quickly flipped over and tickled to death by his dad, who was grumbling a bit under his breath.

"I hear it's your birthday today, Buddy." Matty said as Jace squirmed around, trying to get out from underneath him.

"Yup, me four." Jace grinned, which looks so cute with his dimple in his left cheek.

"Wow, your a big boy now." Matty said moving over so Jace can escape, which he did and jumped off the bed.

"Yup, like you Daddy." he said then ran toward the door, like the room was suddenly on fire.

"Play quietly." I said hoping he would've heard me, but I doubt that very much. Give him five minutes and he'll have the rest of them up. 

"I don't know why you bother even saying that." Matty chuckled and pulled me into his arms and captured my lips in his. After almost nine years of being together, I never get tired of being wrapped up safely in his arms, his delicious lips and his very scrumptious body, that has gotten a hell of a lot sexier over of the years. 

"It was worth a try wasn't it?" I giggled, I kissed him softly again before I climbed out of bed and headed for the shower. I better start getting breakfast organised, the boys will be hungry soon. Matty joined me halfway through my shower, which was a quick one, and part of our daily routine, saves time, and water. I was dressed and ready within ten minutes, and made my way down to the kitchen, to start on making breakfast, which didn't happen.

"Mum, Cade did a wee in the plant." Brax called out to me from the familyroom, where he was sitting in his motorbike jammie's watching some cartoons. I looked up and saw one of my little trouble makers, butt naked, running around, and I groaned. AGAIN! he always keeps doing that.

"Cade, honey come and get dressed." I held my hand out for him, which he ran into at full speed, nearly knocking me over. Shit! this kid is strong, I don't want to think what the hell his partner in crime is doing right now.  I picked him up and took him into his bedroom that he shares with Aidan, our other eighteen month old, Cade's identical twin. That was certainly a surprise when we went for that ultrasound.

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