Little Pieces Of You

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Little Pieces Of You

10th January 2020 ( continued...)

Matthew's POV

"MATT!" someone shouted in my ear as they shook my shoulders roughly, she can't be gone, she can't be, what am I going to do without her? She's my everything, she's the one that keeps my heartbeating, and she's the one that I am supposed to grow old with.  How do I explain to the boys that their Mummy isn't coming home?

"MATT! SNAP OUT IF IT!" this time I heard that, it was Ethan, and then I felt a sharp slap across my cheek, I snapped my head in his direction, and just stared, I feel so lost.

"Jo Baby, go get some ice water, that should do the trick." he said sighing, and pulled out his pen torch and started shining it in my eyes, which made me squint, and then the next second, I feel ice cold water getting tipped over my head.

"FUCKING HELL! ARE YOU CRAZY?" I shouted as I jumped off the chair, and tried to shake off the water.

"Calm down, Matt, you were so out of it, a bomb could've gone off, and you would be still sitting there." Joey said, placing the glass down on the chair I was sitting. I'd feel a lot better if one did, then I wouldn't have to live with out my girl. 

"How can you tell me to calm down at a time like this." I snapped at her, and Ethan grabbed onto my arm and shoved me back down on the chair, not enough to hurt me, just piss me off more.

"Matt, why are you acting like this? You should be happy." he said, happy? HAPPY? That the woman I call my wife is DEAD! The fucking nerve. I was about to get up and launch my fist at him when I saw two security guards standing close by, watching on intently. 

"How fucking dare you, you think I'd be happy now that my wife is dead." I said angrily toward him as my teeth grinded together, and the look on both of their faces had me confused. 

"Oh My God, No, No, No, Matty, Sums is alive and is in recovery." Joey said while rushing closer to me and pulling on my hands, and I looked down at her, what the fuck?

"She's still here?" I chocked out, Oh God, Baby, Joey nodded frantically, and I looked over to Ethan, who was also nodding. I had to sit down, I think I had the wind knocked out of me, she didn't die, she's alive.

"Matt, how much of what I was explaining about Sums, did you hear?" Ethan said softly as he took a seat beside me, Joey took the one on my other side.

"I don't know, somewhere after I asked you how she was," I trailed off and thought about slapping myself for spacing out when he was trying to tell me, and thinking the worst. Ethan let out a breath and turned to me more, so I moved slightly so I could listen to him, this time.

"Promise me, that you"ll listen to every word I'm about to say." he said looking at me, shit, I feel like such a dickhead right now.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I said sheepishly, and let him tell me what I missed hearing, a few moments ago.

"Don't be, now, I tried all I could to stop the bleeding, but I couldn't, so I had to perform an emergency hysterectomy, to control it, I also had to give her a blood transfusion, as she did lose a lot of blood," he said but stopped, probably to make sure that I was listening, I nodded, so he continued.

"She's now in recovery, but I have put her into an induced coma for the next twenty four hours, just to let her body recover from the trauma, at the moment, she'll be closely monitored for anymore signs of blood loss, but she'll be fine." he smiled and a fell back into the back of the chair and took the biggest breath I've ever taken.

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