Shit! I forgot!

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Shit! I Forgot!

Sometimes it's quiet easy to forget important or special dates, don't worry, it happens a lot.

28th September 2019 ( 19 weeks and 1 day, revised gestation due to Doc Watson )

Summer's POV 

This last week has been absolute torture, I have been stressed to the max and I've barely left our bed. I have been trying to help Matty as much as I can with the boys, but I do feel terrible in not being able to do more. With the constant aches in my back and knowing that our twins may need to be delivered early, it's all weighing heavily on my mind. Also, with the dues date pushed back a week, I'm more confused as hell, and more annoyed but I guess Doctor Watson has his reasons.

Brax and Jace loved their new rooms and even asked Matty if they could help set up the twins room. Brax was excited that he's finally getting a little sister, and another little brother, he said he will look after them for me, which was cute. He even painted a new picture at school, with his new siblings playing in the park with him, he is so adorable.

My little J-Butt on the other hand, was not at all impressed at the thought of a sister coming, that lasted about five minutes. Uncle Kaleb kindly put his two cents worth in and told him he could beat all the boys up that try to touch her, he liked that idea. Matty was not to happy to hear Kaleb say that, we don't need him beating up other little kids when they go anywhere near his sister. Kaleb has more than likely said that to Tyler and Cam, and he wonders why they act like he does.

Cade and Aidan, didn't even blink an eye when they were told, but they did manage to find a paint brush each, still coated with orange paint. They thought it would be an awesome idea to paint my couch in the family room, which is cream in colour. No one was game enough to admit that it was their fault, that it had got forgotten and not cleaned up. Lucky that it wasn't that bad, and I just chucked a rug over it anyways. 

"Morning sunshine, you getting up today?" Katie asked as she walked through the bedroom door, I frowned at her, why would I want to get up, when the kids aren't home? And what the hell is she doing here? I bet she's here to keep an eye on me, while Matty is dropping the kids off, which he never said why they are going for the weekend. I'm sure I'll find out when he gets back home.

"Nope, and how did you get in? Matty's taken the boys to your Mum's place." I asked as I stretched out more, I have about six pillows propping different parts of my body up.

"Matt let me in as he left, and don't you want to get up today?" she frowned and sat on the edge of the bed, tilting her head to the side a little.

"Again, what's so special about today, it's Saturday." I said giving her my best 'are you crazy' look, her eyes went wide and she sucked in a deep breath.

"You seriously don't know what today is?" she asked again, I frowned and shook my head.

"It's the twenty eigth of September." she said moving her hand around in a circle motion, is that supposed to help crank my brain into gear? September, there's no other birthdays, except mine and Charlotte's, hers was three days ago, we got married on Sep... HOLY SHIT! now it was my turn to look at her with wide eyes, I sat up  straighter and grabbed on to her arms.

"Fucking Hell! I forgot our anniversary, he's gonna think I'm a bad wife." I screeched and then buried my head in my hands after I released her. How the fuck could I forget the day we got married? 

"Honey, relax, he 's not going to be upset, you both have been through a lot this past week, he will understand." she said squeezing my hands with a smile, he might not care, but I do, and it makes me feel bad, I've never forgotten. That's usually the man's job, but not Matty, no, he's got every date programmed into his head.

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