That Can't Be Good

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That Can't Be Good

10th November 2019 (25 weeks and 2 days)

Summer's POV

It has warmed up a lot now, so Matty has the boys outside playing in the pool that he had put up. It's a good size, so Cade and Aidan can play in it safely, so I'm sitting back on the rocking seat, watching my boys. Katie sits along side me, as she watched Kaleb throw Cam into the water, Ebony was sitting down in the shade drawing quietly.

"It's about time you had a girl, poor Ebby, needs someone to play with." Katie said as she looked over to her daughter. 

"She's got Lexi." I pointed out, we are a little over run by the male population.

"Yeah, I know that, but when we are all together, Brax steals her away." she said looking over at me, with a smile, and placed her hand over my belly.

"Little Izz, needs to hurry up, so Ebby can play with her little cousin." she chuckled, and as he moved her hand, I felt a hard kick right in the bottom of my belly.

"Shit! that one hurt." I said rubbing down where I felt it, I bet that is Nick, I can tell he hasn't quiet finished turning yet, but I wish his legs were not in that spot, I need to pee now.

"I saw that." Katie giggled, and sat back and looked over to the kids who started squealing, because Matty was squirting them with the hose.

"I need to pee." I said, and she stood up carefully to help me get up, I feel like I'm about to explode.

"Thanks, I'll be back." I said and waddled off slowly to the down stairs bathroom. As I lifted my dress, and pulled my knickers down, I sat on the toilet, feeling releived, I so needed that. When I had finished, and wiped, I looked down at my knickers and noticed there was some blood there. Oh Fuck! I stood up in a rush and looked into the toilet and saw a bit more blood, no no no, don't do this to me now, it's too early.

I swung the door open as fast as I could and screamed out to Matty as I just about ran through the house.

"Summer, what's wrong?" Katie asked worriedly as she entered the house first.

"I have pv loss, and it wasn't just a spot either." I said starting to panic, seconds later, Matty flew through the door.

"Baby, you ok?" he asked as he rushed over to me, placing one hand on my shoulder and the other on my belly.

"No, we need to go to the hospital, I'm bleeding." I said looking at him and his face paled and looked down at my belly. It was eaiser to tell him that, otherwise he'd be asking me what pv meant. (A/N: pv is vaginal bleeding) 

"Take her Matty, we'll watch the boys." Katie said, and then shoved the keys in his hands after she grabbed them off the bench.

"Thanks Katie." Matty rushed out and looked at me for a second.

"Can you walk?" he asked, ready to pick me up, if I needed. I just nodded, I feel fine, except for the blood, which can't be good, I was told if I had any blood loss, to go straight to the hospital.

"Go, I'll call the hospital and let them know you're coming, and Doctor Watson." Katie said, pulling out her phone, as Matty helped me to the car. He looked so worried as he drove, so I let him concentrate on the road, and we made it to the hospital in no time. As we walked through emergancy, I was whisked away quickly up to the maternity wing.

"Summer, I'm going to hook you up to the fetal monitor, Ethan will be in to see you in a sec." Joey said, she looks like she's dressed for a wedding, and then Doctor Watson walked in dressed just as good. 

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