Violent Vomiting

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Violent Vomiting

Nausea can be a bitch at the best of times, but when it's never ending, it can be a pain in the ass.

20th July 2019 ( 8 weeks and 1 day)

Matthew's POV

"Shit, Babe you ok?" I asked worriedly to Sums as I wiped the vomit off the side of my face. Hell! she has been throwing up, so much, this time she didn't even get a chance to get off the bed.

"Matty, I'm so sorry." she cried, her tears flowing down her cheeks, I pulled her closer to me, trying not to breathe in the strong scent of bile that was coating the both of us.

"Don't cry, please, let's get this cleaned up , ok." I said softly, I helped her up and walked her to our shower and turned it on for her. She has not stopped all night, and it's starting to worry me, I jumped in behind her, washing away all traces of the vomit from the both of us. 

"Stay in a bit longer, honey, I'll just fix up the bed." she nodded, and sat down on the tiled floor and let the water run over her, hopefully that will make her feel a little better. I wrapped a towel around my waist, and went over to the bed and stripped off the sheets and the pillow cases. If she keeps this up, she'll be in hospital for dehydration, she had to a few times when she was pregnant with the twins. 

After chucking them in the washing machine and grabbing a clean set from the linen cupboard, I went up and remade our bed. Sums came walking in slowly, the colour has slightly returned to her face but she looked dead tired. In the last week or so, she has been extremely fatigued, she had to take the week off work, because she had no energy.

"Have some water, Babe." I pointed to the glass that was sitting on her bedside table. She took some small sips then climbed back into bed and curled up into a ball. 

"This sucks." she mumbled, I had climbed in behind her and pulled her back into my chest, and placed one hand on her belly, which now has a small bump. The way it looks if we didn't tell our failies that we were expecting already, they would be able to tell with this little baby, popping out.

"I know, but if you keep this up, Babe, I'm taking you to hospital." I said, which made her groan.

"A few more weeks and it should be over." I kissed the back of her head, and snuggled in closer to her. This is her least favourite part of pregnancy, I don't blame her really, I hate it when I'm sick even for just a day. She went back to sleep pretty quickly, as I heard her soft snores fill the room. Not even half hour later, she had her head in the bucket that I had put beside the bed, a few vomits earlier.

"Matty." Sums croaked, as her head was hanging off the side of the bed, and I was rubbing her back gently.

"Babe, I think we should get you checked out, you have thrown up ten times in two hours." I said, helpng her lie back down, which she jerked back up and started dry reaching again. Hell, I think I'm gonna start soon, just from the sounds she's making, and the smell ain't helping either.

"Who's gonna watch the kids?" she rasped out and wiped her mouth with a tissue, her throat must be that sore.

"I'll ring someone, can you manage getting dressed?" I asked her as I climbed out and pulled on my track pants and shirt, that I had on the floor. She nodded and moved out of bed slowly, then just sat on the edge, with her head down. I really hate seeing her like this, so drained and so sick, I grabbed my phone off the top of the dresser and called dad. 

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