Another Birthday

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Another Birthday

every year has that day, where you turn one year older, some of which you wish never came.

1st Septmeber 2019 (16 weeks and 4 days)

Summer's POV

Blah! Hell I'm starting to feel old, and not just look it, but we do all have to turn that year older, each year, and today is my day. I rolled over the best I could, which is getting harder to do, with my expanding waist line. My babies are growing so big, I'm the same size I was with Brax at twenty two weeks, when I'm currently only sixteen weeks.

My hand reached out to find Matty, which was pointless because he was not there and his side of the bed was cold. What on earth is he doing up at this time of the morning? it's Sunday, the day of rest, well only until the boys come in and wake us up. I even enjoy it more now that I have cut back work to four days a week, getting fat and all has it's disadvantages.

"Happy birthday Mummy." Brax shouted as the door flew open, and all of my men walked in, well ran in. Brax and Jace jumped up onto the bed, while Matty, Cade and Aidan were carrying a breakfast tray, and small bunches of roses. My boys are so thoughtful, and all of them are too gorgeous for words.

"Thanks Babies." I gave them both a big hug, and sat up more on the bed.

"We made you breakfast, Mummy." Jace chirped happily and then climbed underneath the blanket beside me. Matty placed the tray on my bedside cupboard and lifted T1 and T2 up onto the bed.

"Mummy, wuv you." they both said at the same time, aww they are so cute, I held my arms open for them, I want my double hugs.

"Mummy loves yous too, did you help Daddy?" I asked them as they moved over so Matty could sit on the edge. 

"Yup, we's did." Aidan grinned and bounced a little more. Cade had stolen half a slice of my toast, so he was happy chewing on that, but nodded along with Aidan.

"Happy birthday, Baby." Matty smiled and handed me the tray, which had a few pieces of toast with vegemite, a glass of orange juice, and bowl of porridge, with four homemade cards and a rose from the garden.

"Wow, this looks awesome, my boys are spoiling me." I smiled at each of them as they patiently waited for me to start eating it. Which I did, because I was starving, Matty really wore me out last night, so I need to get my energy back. Not that I'm complaining, the hormones have kicked in and I'm horny as hell.

"Open the cards Mummy." Brax said as he grabbed them and passed them to me, while I scoffed down the toast, which looked like Jace had spread. There's a lot of butter and too much vegemite on this piece.

"Ok." I smiled and opened up the first one, which was his, I can tell by the way he had drawn the picture on the front. It was a drawing of me in a pink dress, with a very big belly, even on the inside had pink everywhere. I love getting cards that they've made themselves, makes this day feel even more special, I love my babies.

"Thanks Buddy, I love it." I grinned and pulled him closer to me and gave him a big kiss.

"Mine now." Jace said as he nudged me in the belly, which hurt a little and I winced.

"Careful Jay, don't hurt Mummy." Matty scoulded him, which got Jace putting his head down and then rubbed where he had poked me.

"Sorry Mummy." he said softly, I know he didn't mean too, he's just excited.

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