Daddy's 40th Birthday

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Daddy's 40th Birthday

10th January 2020 (34 weeks and 0 days)

Matthew's POV

I groaned as I rolled over, fuck I feel like I'm eighty, not forty, I looked up to the ceiling and sighed. It's the first birthday I've had since I've been with my gorgeous wife, that she's not here to wake up next to me. I really do miss her, a lot, it's like a piece of me is missing, and it can only be filled by Sums. Today I get to have her home, I've been looking forward to this day, it's been over two weeks since she's been here, and that was only for five hours.

I was about to get up when my phone rang, the ringtone, which is "Warning, it's the wife", she hates it,  it's my babygirl, I grinned when I saw her photo flashing on the screen.

"Hey Babe." I said happily when I answered the call, and relaxed back onto the bed to talk to her.

"Happy Birthday, Baby, you feeling old yet?" she giggled, she's sounding really happy today, I can't wait to go see her, to pick her up.

"Thanks, and yes, just a little." I chuckled, and pictured her beautiful smiling face.

"What time are you picking me up? Doc just finished checking me over, and everything is looking good, Joey is about to help me with my showering and dressing, so I'll be about an hour or so, before I'm ready." she said, and I looked over to the clock on the wall and it was already past eight, shit, I slept in!

"How about ten, is that alright?" I asked, and did a quick mental breakdown of what I needed to get done before I could get there. 

"Yeah, that's perfect, have the boys given you, your presents yet?" she asked, and I frowned while looking around, where is everyone?

"Umm, either I've gone deaf and blind, I don't know where they are.' I said confused, it is never this quiet, and I knew Aidan was in the bed with me, but he has vanished. I could hear Sums chuckling through the phone.

"Babe, maybe you should go find them, they could be getting into trouble." she said, and my eyes went wide, fuck! I never thought of that. I jumped out of bed and started to walk through the house and saw that the french doors were open.

"Doors open, they're outside, I can hear Jace somewhere." I said to her as I walked through the doors and out under the varandah.

"I hope you never left them bloody tools lying around again." she said sounding a little angry, that was one time! I forgot to put the hedge clippers away, how was I to know Brax would find them. Those poor flowers didn't last too long, and Sums was not very happy either, I was in big trouble for that.

"Do you have to bring that up agian?" I sighed as I walked along the path that goes along the side of the house. 

"Yeah, it's fun stirring you up, Old Man." she laughed making me groan, fantastic, here come the old jokes, now I know how Dad fells when I call him that.

"You wait until I can spank that sexy little ass of yours." I warned as the boys voices were getting closer.

"Bring it on, Baby." she giggled, damn her! I hit the last corner to turn and as I did I stopped dead in my tracks, when I saw what was on the driveway. HOLY SHIT! 

"I take it you found them and your birthday present." Sums chuckled, I walked closer to them and I nodded, then remembered she couldn't see me.

"Wow, how did you know I wanted one of those?" I asked her, as I ran my hand along the length of red velvet eight ball table, hell, this must of cost a bit, it's huge.

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