Make A Wish

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Make A Wish

Five Years and Six weeks later... (Brax, 11; Jace, 10; Aidan and Cade, 7; Nick and Izzy, 5)

1st September 2025

Matthew's POV

"Daddy,  take Roxie for walks?" my little princess Isabella asked me as I started to make breakfast for Sums. It's my wife's thirty eighth birthday today, and the kids and I are going to spoil her rotten, she desevres it, since she's the glue that sticks us all together.

"We can later, Izz, do you want to help me cook for Mummy?" I said looking over to her, she was still in her Dora pyjamas, her long brown hair looked like a birds nest, and her deep green eyes stared up at me.

"Yup, Mummy likes vegemite." she said as she came closer, Roxie was right by her side. Brax might be Roxie's favourite, but she does cling to Izzy a lot, because she's not as rough handling with her, like the boys can get.

"Alright, Daddy will sit you up here, but don't tell Mummy, Daddy let's you do this." I chuckled as I lifted her up and sat her on the bench, Sums hates it when I let them sit on the kitchen bench. I already had the tray ready, with some orange juice, and the brithday cards the kids had made, which is our little tradition for our birthdays. We have kept every single card they have made throughout the years, since we started doing it when Brax was born.

"Me won't, me a good girl." she said, ever since she could talk it has been non stop, and I know where she gets that from, her mother.

"Dad, can I sleep over at Uncle Kaleb's tonight?" Jace asked as he walked out of his bedroom, he is almost taller than Sums, which is funny, Brax is just a bit taller than he is. Like she always tells me, she's not short, she's fun sized, and she is definietly fun alright, specially when I have my way with her, being short does have some pleasing advantages.

"We'll see Jay, it all depends on Mum, plus you have school in the morning." I said looking over at him, while I shoved a small piece of toast in my mouth. They should all be at school today, but the teachers decided to give them a pupil free day, and I was lucky enough to be on a weeks leave from work, this week.

"Fine, I can wait." he mumbled and then started to make himself some cornflakes when he came into the kitchen. Brax must be still in bed, which is getting to quite the trend for him these days, he's turning into a night owl and not a very happy morning person, something to look foward to when he's a teenager.

"Daddy, no more eat, thats Mummy's." Izzy told me off, as I was about to grab some more, I should've eaten before I started on Sums, her bacon and eggs is smelling mouth watering.

"Sorry, Princess." I smiled and handed her the toast to put on a plate, which she did carefully. Moments later, three pairs of footsteps came running down the stairs, I don't know how many times I've told them not to run down them. Aidan and Cade both ran through to the familyroom,  dressed their clothes for the day, and went over to the tv, turning it on to watch some cartoons.

"Do you boys want some breakfast?" I called out to them, and they shook their heads, I guess they will eat when they're ready. Nick came into the kitchen and picked up Roxie, who was sitting down and looking up at me, probably thinks she's going to get some food, good luck with that one Rox.

"Daddy, I want toast." Nick said as he stood beside me and tried to look up to se what was on the bench, so he was standing on the tip of his toes, with Roxie shoved under his arm.

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