Four Excited Big Brothers

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Four Excited Big Brothers

15th January 2020 (Nick and Bell, now 5 days old)

Matthew's POV

"Daddy? Can we go yet?" Brax asked me as he bounced up and down as I got Cade dressed. He has been asking me that for the last hour and a half, since he had woken up. I came home on Sunday night, after I knew Sums and the babies were better, Isabella had even been taken off the oxygen and is breathing on her own now. That moment was just the best thing in the world, because we got to hear her little cries.

"In a minute, just relax." I sighed, he's starting to get on my nerves, asking me every bloody five minutes. Aidan is super excited, because he gets to see his Mummy, which he's been anxious about, he has even ended up sleeping in bed with me, because he hasn't been sleeping without Sums here.

"Me miss, Mummy." Cade said as I tied up his shoe laces, Brax was still jumping up and down, like he has ants in his pants. Aidan was already dressed and off playing somewhere, and Jace is sitting beside me, patiently waitng, his small legs, kicking back and forth. 

"Me too, Buddy, she will be home soon." I smiled at him, and he showed me his dimples when he smiled. I looked at all three of them, and saw how much bigger they look, it won't be long until they are all teenagers.

That dream that Summer told me about has been on my mind, I wish she didn't share that with me. I wasn't surprised about that Brax and Lexi part, it was Cade and Jace's, Cade better not be having sex under my roof at that age, no way in hell. And Jace, well, if that turns out to be true, that my son is gay, or in fact any of them, I'll be sure to be supportive of them and their choice, I don't want to be like Adam's parents. They kicked him out of home, when he was only sixteen because he told them he was attracted to men and not women, and they haven't spoken to him since.

"Come on boys, let's go eat, and then we can go see Mummy." I smiled at them and they cheered, Brax was of course, first to run out the room. I walked down the stairs with Jace and Cade, and made our way to the kitchen, where Aidan was already sitting with Dad eating some toast.

"Is Mum ready yet?" I asked him as I helped Cade up on to his chair and passed him two pieces of toast that had vegemite on it. Brax and Jace, starting digging in to what they had grabbed, that I'm assuming was Dad had set out on the table.

"She better be, or we are leaving without her." he laughed, Mum is the worst person to wait for when you want to go somewhere, she takes an eternity just to find a outfit to wear.

"I'm gonna miss not being here all the time, I love having the grandkids around all the time." he said looking at the boys as they ate quietly, food times is always the most peaceful around here.

"Yeah, I'll be sure to miss the help, but once the twins come home, it's time to start a new routine, with the six of them." I said while I picked up a mug to pour myself a coffee.

"You'll manage, you always do." he smiled at me, and then continued to read the newspaper. We'll cope but it's just getting used to the whole new way we have to do things around here, it will take a few weeks. It didn't take us long to figure out a system after we had bought Aidan and Cade home, but then again, we only had the four of them, two more have been added to the mix, so there's six  this time round.

Flashback 1st December 2017

Aidan and Cade are now a week old, and Sums and I have had them home for three days. To say it was hectic around here, would be putting it mildly, with the endless feeds, nappy changes and chasing Brax and Jace in between. I had Cade lying on his change table, after I had fed and burped him, and was about to change his nappy.

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