Back To The Quack!

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Back To The Quack!

another doctor's appointment, to confirm another pregnancy

5th July 2019 ( 6 weeks and 0 days)

Summer's POV

I've escaped from my new home, the toilet! It's safe to say that I am indeed pregnant now, it was weird not even feeling anything before now. It sure as hell came on in full force, in the last two days, but I guess every pregnancy is different. Today is a busy day for me, Matty has gone to work, Brax has his last day of kindergarten, and I have my doctor's appointment.

This sure is a lot fun, since I have the day off, so I have taken the younger three with me. They always cause some sort of trouble while we wait for things. We haven't told them about the baby yet, like always we are going to wait until we are in the second trimester. I just hope that they will be excited about it, like Matty and I are.

"Aidan, stop that." I growled, as he started to tug on a mans beard that was sitting near us in the waiting room, which was packed today.

"Sorry about that." I apologised kindly, then pulled Aidan closer to me and made him sit still on the seat next to me. The old man huffed loudly and went back to his outdated magazine.

"This is boring." Jace whined while kicking his feet back and forth as he sat opposite me. 

"Go play in the kids section." I said to him, pointing to the area in the corner that they had set up for kids to play in. There was already about three kids in there already, and making plenty of noise. I feel better seeing other parents, trying to keep their kids under control.

"Those toys suck." he said and crossed his arms and frowned, what the hell? who taught him that? Matthew! 

"Well stoping whinging then and just sit there quietly." I said, taking a glance at my watch, God! we've been here waiting for twenty-three minutes already, and I'm starting to get a little bored. I looked to my right to look at Cade, who was not there, I groaned, where the hell has he gone?

"Missing something?" I turned to the voice and saw on of the receptionists, with a cheeky looking Cade, who was holding her hand, and had a lollipop in the other. Great! more sugar, just what that little monkey needs.

"Thanks, I swear I need four sets of eyes," I laughed, or maybe a leash to keep them from running all over the place.

"I would be the same with these adorable guys." she smiled and then went back to her desk.

"Summer Taylor?" Finally!! I stood up with Cade and put him on my hip, and called out fot the other two to follow, which was easier than I thought it would've been. We entered the Doctor's room and waited for him to arrive, since my last one retired, I have some new guy. I was too busy at work that day I made the appointment, I didn't even hear what his name was, he better be a good one.

"Summer?" I looked up from where I had my eyes on the boys, who liked the toys in this room, and saw the guy I never thought I'd see again.

"Umm, hi Todd,"  I said feeling rather uncomfortable as he took a seat and opened up my file on the computer. Crap! please do not tell me that my old ex boyfriend, from Uni, is my bloody doctor.

"So, I see you've been busy." he stated as he saw the boys playing quietly in the corner. 

"Yep, sure have been." I smiled at my boys, then turned to look at Todd who was briefly going through my medical history. He hasn't changed much, his shaggy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, probably still the ass he was when we were together. We starting going out in my first year of Uni, when I was eighteen, he was twenty and studying to be a doctor, that lasted nearly three years.

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