In That One Moment....part two

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In That On Moment....part two

(play the song on the side, for those who cant see the song it's.... 'I Go To Sleep' by Sia)

Matthew's POV......continued

I made my way out to the decking and stood beside Scott who had turned around and was now leaning over the rails. Something I have done a few times, it's a good spot to think with the amazing view this house has got.

"You know I always hated it when Hannah would tease us about Brax and Lexi, but everytime she would talk about them, she seemed so happy and excited, even more so when he had asked her out, she would lay back with me at night talking about how great it would be to see our grandchildren grow up, taking them to the park, you know, all those things grandparents do, and she's not here to see it, I'm not mad that Lexi's pregnant, it just hurts to know that Hannah is not here to enjoy this moment." he said softly, his eyes looking out to the setting sun, the bright pink and orange hues filling the sky.

"She'll always be here Scott, watching over Lexi and Kale, and her grandchildren that come along, I bet she's up their now having a party to celebrate, Lexi has that special angel to keep her safe and I know that Hannah would be always around her, keeping her eyes on her, protecting her." I said almost as softly, not wanting to ruin the comforting atmosphere that has spread around us, as we watch the sun disapper behind the hill.

"I know, and that's what has gotten me past the fact that Lexi is only seventeen and having a baby, she has grown up so much in the last few years, and when Hannah died, I didn't think I'd cope without her, Lex is going to miss out on having her with her during the birth, when she gets married, all those things every daughter wants their mother to share with them, I know Brax has been her rock and has helped her through the toughest time of her life so far, and knowing that he will be here through this as well makes me feel a lot better, you truely have raised that boy to be an amazing young man, Matt, he would go to all lengths just to make sure she is happy, even at their age." I could hear the thick emotions coming through his voice, it was enough to bring a tear to my eye.

"Brax thought I was gonna kill him, but when I heard what you had said, I wanted to kill you instead." he said even softer, but he was now looking my way with a hurt look on his face, and that look right there made me feel like an even bigger asshole.

"Don't you start, I've been hating myself for saying that to him, and I haven't had the chance to clear the air with him yet, I always thought I'd be the calm one about this, but clearly we've swapped roles." I chuckled lightly to lighten the mood a little, I made a mistake by arguing with Brax and I'm regretting it big time, I just want to move past it and finally accept that Brax will be a father soon, without that hanging over my head.

"Yeah funny that, the whole time they sat there nervously in front of me, I knew before they said it, and I was shocked myself, but definitely not surprised, we just have to be there for them every step of the way." he said with a smile, well this was not what I was expecting to hear.

"Who are you and what have you done with Scott?" I laughed and turned around so I was facing the house, I could see Ebs happily talking to Sums and gesturing about something.

"I don't know, must the old age setting in." he laughed, I could see his girlfriend, Maddy, talking to Kaleb, he has only recently gone out to find someone and he had asked her out a few weeks ago, honestly, she seems nice, but I know Lexi is struggling to accept that her Dad has moved on, it's been nice to see Scott smile again though.

"You know, we owe Kaleb and Nate money, we lost that bet." I said as I watched Kaleb walk toward us, I left out the Nate part of the bet with Sums, I'm not sure she'd approve of being two hundred down, instead of just the one.

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