Counting Down The Days

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Counting Down The Days

1st January 2020 (32 weeks and 5 days)

Summer's POV

Well, it's officially January, and a the start of a whole new year. It's also the month that Matty and I will welcome the last two additions to our family, Nicholas and Isabella. I have been feeling great the past few days, but still restrained to this hospital bed. Doctor Watson told me that he was happy with my progress and it's looking like, my booked caesrean will be the day my babies are born, pending if anything happens, of course. I just need to wait it out a bit longer, not far now, just twenty six more sleeps, because first thing on that Monday morning they will be here.

Last night was horrible to try and sleep, not that I had any problems, well, if you can call the woman screaming in the joined bathroom we share, a problem. I heard the lot, everything, even the moment the baby popped out of her, I was torn in deciding, who had the best scream, her or the kid, it was a close match. Also, with the sounds of parties filling the night air, the fireworks, it was just a very full on night.

"Morning Sunshine." Katie said as she walked through the door, hell, she looks like bloody shit, this morning.

"Are you coming or leaving?" I asked her as I saw she was dressed in some scrubs, not her usual attire for her day at work.

"Leaving, it was absolute mayhem down in A&E last night, I was still letting injured drunken lunatics through the door just now." she said as she pulled up a chair next to me, since I was up super early, I've been relaxing in the recliner, watching my box set of McLeod's Daughters, and I'm up to the episode where Claire dies, so I have my tissues sitting on my lap.

"I hate this episode, wasn't the same after she left." she said looking up to the flat screen tv, that was mounted to the wall.

"It wasn't that bad, it was the last season I didn't really like, they killed Alex off, Nick and Tess were gone, as was Jodi and Meg, the only decent one on there was Stevie." I said, thinking back to that season, shit, I feel old remembering back when those were actually aired on tv, I was fourteen when it started.

"Yeah, no wonder why it stopped, anyways, why are you awake and not sleeping, it's only seven." she said looking at me with a frown.

"Well I would be, if I didn't have to hear some chick give birth in the bathroom at four this morning, plus, Franny came along and did my six o'clock obs and meds, so no point trying until I pass out again." I said while pressing pause on the dvd, it's coming to the part where Claire, Tess and baby Charlotte are driving back to the farm, before the crash, and Katie is distracting me, that's the part I don't want to miss.

"Delightful, and they couldn't have taken her down the hall a little further, to an actual delivery room?" she asked, I shook my head.

"Nope, I should've recorded it, everytime someone tried to touch her, or suggest that she moves, she'd scream even louder and told them all to fuck off, it was actual quite amusing at some stages." I laughed, that's probably what I sounded like when I was in labour.

"What's with the scrubs?" I asked her, and changed positions a little because my ass was getting numb.

"I can handle a lot of things, but vomit is not one of them, there was this guy that was so intoxicated, he thought it'd be an awesome idea to throw up as I was trying to hook up his IV, it went everywhere, even had some in my hair, it was disgusting." he said with a grimace, ewww, just the thought of that is making me feel ill.

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