The Name Game

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The Name Game

It's time to think of some names for bubs, times two.

18th October 2019 (22 weeks and 0 days)

Matthew's POV

Sums and I can finally start to relax a little, at yesterdays ultrasound, it had shown that our son had moved. It wasn't into the ideal position, but he is on his way of completely sitting up, like his little sister, which had her moving some. Doctor Watson is still on high alert, just to be on the safe side, So we are taking each day as it comes, and are due to go back for another scan when Sums is at twenty eight weeks. Our little princess is still growing more slowly than her big brother, but she is improving.

We have also nearly reached the safe mark, that if they were born by the end of next week, their chances of survival are good. That is something we pray doesn't happen, Sums knows and sees first hand what babies are like if they are born prematurely. So today we are sitting back with the endless list of names for the newest two Taylor's.

"So do you still want to use the girls name we had picked out?" I asked Sums as we sat together on the couch looking through names, the boys have just been tucked into bed, and are hopefully sleeping. Jace took a while to settle tonight, which is very unusal for him, he normally passes out as soon as his head hits the pillow.  

"Yeah, I think it would suit her well, and she'll have that connection with her sister." Sums smiled as she wrote a few other names on her list.

"Good, one less to worry about." I chuckled, and looked down at my list, there are so many to pick from, and to have one that sounds good with Taylor. 

"So what have you got on yours? so we can eliminate the ones the same from mine." she asked and got a new sheet of paper out, ready to write them down.

"I got, Nicholas, Ryan, Seth, Declan, Alex, Blake, James, Jacob, Brayden, Joshua and Dylan." I said looking down at my messy handwriting, I'm surprised I can even read it.

"Good selection, Babe, I've got, Zachary, Liam, Nicholas, Dominic, Ryan, Oliver, Edward and Thomas." she said looking over to me, and I frowned, Edward? Really?

"No offence Babe, but I'm not having my twins named after the two lead characters in Twilight." I chuckled, that just makes me think of Charlotte and her Outrageous Fortune themed children.

"Well we better cross Jacob from the list too, then." she said with a smirk and crossed those two off.

"That's fine, I just clicked with that one as well." I laughed, I also watched as she crossed Alex off.

"Why not Alex?" I asked, I kinda liked that one.

"We don't need two Alex's in the family now do we?" she said raising her eyebrow at me, making me frown even more, two? there's no other Alex in our family.

"Huh?" I asked her, getting more confused.

"Alexis Evans, you know, Brax's girlfriend." she said like it was most obvious thing in the world. Ah! little Lexi, I see she's already got them married off in that pretty little head of hers.

"Babe, Brax is five years old, there's no way to tell he is going to marry her when he is older." I said shaking my head, and that conversation with Scott came floating back into my head. Don't tell me, she has been thinking about this too?

"Just you wait and see." she said and then looked over both lists and then started to chew on the end of the pen.

"Moving along, we both have Nicholas and Ryan, why not just use them." I asked, Nicholas Ryan Taylor doesn't sound too bad actually.

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