Am I Dreaming?

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Am I Dreaming?

11th January 2020 (Nicholas and Isabella, now 1 day old)

Summer's POV

Why does everything look different? I woke up and I was in our room, the sun was shining brightly though the windows, the walls are now a darker shade of grey, almost like a storm cloud colour. I turned around and noticed Matty's side of the bed was made, even myside, I'm not even underneath the covers. Looking around more, I felt even more confused, this doesn't even feel or look like my room anymore.

I got off the bed and walked around a bit, trying to figure out what the hell was different about it, more like WHY? I left the bedroom, to go find someone to at least tell me what's going on. I entered the room that we had made up for Bella, and found it now looking like a young teens room, posters of boy bands over the walls and a bed covered in a pink and black quilt. What happened to the nursery? Nick's room was the same, except his was boyish, and had clothes scattered all over the floor.

There was only one bed in the twins room, with Cade's name on the door, this looks like a teenagers room, as well. What the fuck is going on here? Where's Aidan? and why is my baby Cade, lying on his bed just in a pair of boxers, he looks like he's about sixteen, . I went over to sit on the edge of his bed, and he never once noticed me sitting there, even when I waved my hand in front of him, he turned his face toward the door with a huge grin.

"Cade, honey." I said, trying to get his attention, but I didn't get any response, the next thing I see is a girl climbing on top of him, she was only wearing a g-string, and straddled his hips. He flipped her over, and before I could blink they were in a very heated make out session, which had their remaining pieces of clothes ripped off. WHAT THE FUCK? No, he is not just going to...OH MY GOD, I ran out of the room faster than lightening, and down the stairs but stopped when I saw Aidan walking out of the study. He too, was a teenager, and I just looked at him when he stopped and looked my way.

"Aidan, sweetie, it's Mummy." I said as we nearly stood toe to toe, but he towered over me, and then he walked away, WHAT THE?. Ok, this is just starting to freak me out a little, I ran down the hallway, but it actually felt like I was floating at the same time. There was no one else down here, maybe they are in their bedrooms, this feels very weird and freaky.

Oh God, what is going on with me? I entered Jace's room, and saw him being pushed up against the wall, by an even taller guy, who kissed him hard on the mouth, WHAT THE FUCK? I squeezed my eyes shut then opened them again, to see if I was hallucinating, but I wasn't. My little J-Butt is gay? not that I care, but that certainly is a surprise. Oh God, I can't watch this, I've already seen Cade and I hope that's his girlfreind, having sex up in his room.

Why the fuck can't anyone see or hear me, or why can't I hear them? I hope I'm dreaming because this all seems so fucking crazy. I looked around some more, everything is different down here too, why wasn't I so shocked when I found Brax in his room.

What in the hell? I walked into the room, to find Brax facing my way, wrapped in a blonde haired girl, I can't see her face. Brax was smiling, then he kissed the girl, before letting her go, and then she turned around. Lexi? OH MY GOD, HOLY SHIT, she looks like she's six months pregnant, WHAT THE FUCK? They're having a baby together? Brax was looking so much older, almost like he's about twenty years old, he looks just like Matty, all four of them do. 

"Come on, Baby, please." I heard Matty's sexy voice, and I ran toward his voice, but as I saw him, I stopped dead in my tracks, WHAT THE FUCK? Standing next to him is a girl, that looks just like I did at the same age, and a boy, that looks like a mixture Matty and I. 

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