Is it Love?

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Is It Love?

28th August 2032 (still Ebony's 21st Brithday)

Jace's POV

Fuck! how much did I drink last night, my head feels like it's going to explode at any second. I groaned and rolled over, feeling that I wasn't alone in this bed, I don't even know where I am right now. With heavy eyes, I pried them open slowly, the light from the window making me wince as it the sun glared through it. After blinking a few times, to adjust to the light, they landed on the figure that's curled up beside me, and I sighed with relief, I can't even remember going to bed with Ashley, let alone doing anything else.

"Go back to sleep, Babe." Ash mumbled and wrapped herself around me tighter, I need to get up but this isn't helping at all, I'm going to be getting home late as it is.

"I can't, I need to go home and get ready, and so do you, you are coming tonight, right?" I asked as I freed myself from her strong monkey grip, and climbed out of bed. I started to look for my missing items of clothing, that had been thrown around the room, not sure how my boxers landed on the top of ceiling fan.

"Yeah, of course I am, so you finally decided it's time to introduce me to your family?" I sighed, and turned around and looked deep into Ash's gorgeous brown eyes, her short brown hair shining in the sun light.

"Don't make this harder for me, Babe, I just don't know how they are going to react, that's all." I said taking a deep breath to calm down, that's all I've been thinking about, how they would feel about my relationship with her. Ash and I have been seeing each other for just under three months now, and so far it was been going great, and I just hope that what we have going will last a while longer, because I'm crazy about her. I haven't felt like this since her, the one girl I thought I'd have forever, but I guess we all can't have what we want, I'll always have that hole in my heart though.

"Jace, they will be fine, and if not, you know you can stay here with me." Ash said softly as she pulled me into a tight hug and just held me, she pulled my lips down to hers and kissed me softly. Ash is twenty three years old, I had met her at a mate's party, and as soon as I saw her, I knew she was the one. That's the thing I'm most worried about, the fact that she is older than I am, and I am only seventeen, she could get in heaps of shit, more so since I was sixteen the first time we hooked up.

"Let's take a nice hot shower, and then I'll drive you home." she said while grabbing my hand and leading me into the bathroom.

"Is Brax still picking me up?" she asked as he turned on the water, her perfect ass just teasing me as my eyes travelled up and down her sexy body. I love how short she is, her tiny little waist, her huge firm full breasts, her peircings, specially the one in my favourite place, on her juicy sweet clit.

"Yeah, it'll be a car load, he'll have Lexi, Tyler and his girlfriend, is that ok?" I asked her as we both stood under the fast stream of steaming hot water.

"Of course it is, now shut up and make this shower more worth while." she smirked, I chuckled at her eagerness as I backed her into the tiled wall, picking her up with ease and having my way with her. 

An hour later we were dressed and making our way back to my place, so I can get ready for Ebs party, which will be a blast. As we neared the house, I could see Brax out front washing his car, with Dad out there talking to him, shit! I guess we will be doing the introducing now. Ash pulled up in the driveway before I could tell her not too, and Dad's eyes were instantly on the car, and trying to see who was in it.

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