In That One Moment....part one

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In That One Moment....part one

28th August 2032 

Matthew's POV

Fuck! How could I have been so fucking stupid, I never meant to hurt Sums like I have, what the fuck do I do to fix this? I've basically pissed my son right off, and I know that he's taking this pregnancy just as bad, if not worse than I am, and what do I do? I fucking say shit like that! My baby boy is going to be a father, I can still remember the day he was born, all chubby and small, eighteen years ago. I don't know why I even suggested abortion, I could never do that myself, I know he is going to hate me for that, and I really hope he doesn't, that would kill me. 

I'm going to be a grandfather, wow, even thinking that sounds weird, a little Brax or Lexi running around, that baby sure will be a cutie. Maybe I was too harsh on him, and I know he's been safe, I think it was just a shock to hear, I know what it's like to grow up without grandparents, I wouldn't wish that for my babies children. Mum had me when she was just sixteen, and her parents had kicked her out, so she had to grow up real quick, and I never met them until I was five, just after Mum had Katie. I don't want to be like them, I would never kick my kids out, but I may have just pushed my eldest son, to do just that.

"Hey handsome, you look like you need a good hard fuck." I turned to my left, to see a smoking hot brunette, with a firm fitting dress that made her lucious looking breasts pop out perfectly, and her curves, fuck she's hot, she doesn't look a day over thirty.

"Oh really, and why would you think that?" I asked as I leant against the bar and sculled a little more of the beer I had ordered. I walked down to the corner pub to think and to have a drink before I needed to go back home, I've already had three shots of tequila, I'm starting to feel the buzz.

"You look like your about to burst from all that thinking, I could help relax you." she said moving even closer to me, her large breasts pressing into the side of my arm, I couldn't help but look down at them. I could feel my dick start to pulse with hunger as I looked at her, my eyes filling with lust.

"You know what, I think you're right, it will help." My voice coming out thick and husky with lust, as I pulled her closer, my arms wrapping around her gorgeous body, fuck she feels so good in my arms. I let my hands caress her curves, reaching her ass and squeezing it firmly.

"Let me take take you home, I want to feel this deep inside me." she whispered, her lips grazing across my ear, her hand now on my very hard shaft, I groaned as she rubbed over it.

"I have a wife, and I'm crazy in love with her." I growled out as her tongue slid down my neck, my arms instantly pulling her in even closer, my shaft now grinding up against her core, I could feel the heat radiating from it.

"She doesn't need to know, it can be our little secret." I could feel her smirk, I looked into her eyes that shines a mischevious glint, and I crashed my lips to hers. Holy sweet jesus, she tastes so fucking delicious, my tongue assulting hers in a hard and wild kiss.

"You better take me back to your place then, so I can, you won't be able to walk afterwards." I whispered seductively after I broke out of that hot steamy kiss, before I take her right her in this bar. She grinned, and dragged me out of the bar, and took me back to her bed, I so fucking need this fuck right now, and I'm gonna fuck her with everything I have. 

As soon as she had me in the bedroom, I pushed her up against the wall, my hands trailing up her smoothe silky legs, lifting her dress up to her waist. I groaned loudly when I felt she had only a thin layer of lace covering her soaking mound, which I yanked aside quickly. Her hands gripping my shoulders, as I pulled my hard shaft out of my pants, ready to take her hard and fast.

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