In Shock

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In Shock

you know when you're in shcok, when your body is paralized, you're heart rate has increased, you feel very light head and may want to pass out

20th July 2019 (continued...)

Summer's POV

TWINS! Fucking hell, I think I'm gonna faint, one would have been enough, but TWINS! That's just fucking crazy, OH MY GOD! What if it two boys, and they turn out like Aidan and Cade, oh dear god, I don't even want to think about that. FUCK! what if there is more than two in there? bloody hell, now that would be fucking scary!

"Babe, stop thinking about it, we will find out in a minute." Matty said from behind me, as he wheeled me down to radiology.

"I can't, I just don't get it, Babe, this is totally freaking me out." I huffed and slumped into the backrest.

"What don't you get? the part where he said, you're further along than what you thought, or that the size of your uterus could mean there's more than one in there." he said as he turned down yet another corridor.

"Both, but more so on the last bit you said.' I sighed and tilted my head back to look at him and he stopped walking, his eyes looking down at me.

"We will cope, with what ever we find on this ultrasound, now you need to calm down, or you'll be staying in here longer." he said softly, he cupped my cheeks with his big hands and kissed me softly. he let go, then started to walk again. 

"As long as you've made us a girl this time, I won't kill you." I whined a little more, making him chuckle.

"I actually agree with you there, but again, we won't know until, well I'm not sure how many weeks now, but you know what I mean." he said as he walked us through the radiology department.

"I know, I hate waiting to find things out." I sighed, waiting sucks, I'm too impatient, I like to find things out straight away, but that never happens.

"Summer, you can come straight through." Amanda said with a smile, she conducted a few of my ultrasounds already, so it's nice to see a familiar face around here. Matty wheeled me through to the room and then helped me on to the bed to lie down.

"I'll be mostly checking bubs fetal growth, but then I'll also do a complete look, to see if everything is going well, ok." she smiled, I took a deep breath and nodded, Matty was holding onto my hand so tight, it was like I was going to disappear at any second. I looked over to him, and hell, does he look nervous, and he was the one telling me to calm down.

"Babe, relax." I smiled, and squeezed his hand, which he loosened his grip a little, and looked at me.

"Sorry, I know, I know." he said with a small smile, then moved his eyes to the screen that Amanda had turned on and was typing my info into it. I did the same, and waited for her to begin, which she did and I was grateful, the suspense was starting to irritate me.

"Let's have a look." she smiled and pressed the scanner into my gel covered belly, our eyes glued to the monitor, as the picture came up. 

"Were you guys planning on a big family?" she said as she moved around more, my eyes instantly growing after she said that. 

"No, it's just happened that way." I laughed nervously as I saw a little body on the screen, This is one of my favourite parts, seeing our baby move inside me. Amanda then moved it over a little more, and that's when my mouth dropped open, since my eyes couldn't get any wider. 

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