Everything Is Expanding

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Everything Is Expanding

from little things, big things grow

12th August 2019 (13 weeks and 5 days)

Matthew's POV

"Brax, come on, Bud, we're gonna be late." I groaned, he was fiddling around with the stuff in his school bag, and at this rate, he's gonna be late. Sums had left for work, since she has been feeling better, and had taken Cade and Aidan to daycare. Her belly has popped out even more over the last couple weeks, and looking sexier by the day. Jace is standing here with me, ready to go, he is off to kindy for half the day, then will join his little brothers, until Sums knocks off work. 

"I'm ready." he said as he ran up to us, finally we can go, only been waiting ten minutes, and that is precious time. 

"Can we go shop?" Jace asked as I strapped him into his car seat, once we got out to the car, whuch is about the only thing that doesn't need upgrading, since it's an eight seater. We also bought another smaller car, for Sums to use for work and I of course, kept my ute, I was not getting rid of my baby.

"No J-Man, kindy time." I said chuckling, this kid always wants to go to the shop, I blame Sums for that, she's always taking him.

"Can we get a dog?" Brax asked as I strapped him in, what is it this morning, and them asking for things? and a dog? with two extra kids on the way, that one will have to wait.

"One day, Brax, just not at the moment." I sighed when he started to pout, I closed his door, then took a deep breath before I jumped in. The whole way there, was filled with talking, mostly from Jace, as Brax was still sulking about wanting a bloody dog. After Jace was dropped off, I made my way to the school, to dispose of Brax, who cheered up once we walked through the gate.

"Have fun today." I smiled, I love taking him to school, soon enough, all of them will be going, that should be fun.

"Can you pick me up today?" he asked as he put his bag in his locker, after taking out his reading folder and lunch box.

"Yeah, I'll be here." I smiled and ruffled his hair, which was soon being fixed up again.

"Bye Daddy." he waved and ran off into his classroom, and I headed to work..

Today we are starting a new job, which is not that far from home, because it is at home.  As I pulled back into the driveway, Kaleb and Nate were already here waiting, It's a little weird that I'm paying my own company to achieve the additional rooms, but that also means mates rates. We can score some pretty good deals, through our regular suppliers on top of that.

"You know, we wouldn't need to do this if you kept your dick out of your wife." Kaleb laughed, he was leaning over the bonnet of Nate's truck, and looking over the plans with him. We've actually had plans drawn up for about a year now, it was only going to a large games/play area, but now that has changed. Two bedrooms had to be added in, which didn't affect the layout, so we didn't need to get anything approved again. 

"Just trying to keep the population at a healthy level." I chuckled and walked over to them, Adam had drawn up the plans, which has the three rooms coming of the back of the family room. It's also good that we didn't need to add another bathroom, since we already have one down stairs. 

"Scott's out back getting ready to level the ground." Nate said, then rolled up the plans, I guess it's time to get stuck into it. We headed out the back, and looked at the mess Scott started making, I hope Sums didn't love those flowers. 

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