Packed To The Rafters

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Packed To The Rafters

19th July 2020 (Nicholas and Isabella, now 6 months old)

Summer's POV

Today we are hosting a joint birthday party for Brax, who turned six on Monday and Lexi, who will be five tomorrow, so it will definitely be a packed house. Isabella and Nicholas, are now six months old and are just like any average baby at that age, and are certainly keeping us on our toes. It's super crazy around this house now, with our six children, but we love it, and we wouldn't change a single thing.

Brax and Jace will both be at school next term , which is great, those half days at kindy for Jace were driving me a little batty. With the way our school years work out here, at the beggining of next year Brax will be in year one, and Jace still in reception, with Lexi. Then by the end of that same year, Cade and Aidan will be starting kindy, it sure does make it seem like time flies, and next thing I know they'll be moving out of home.

"Babe, have you seen Izzy's purple 'I'm Daddy's Princess' shirt?" Matty asked as he walked into Nick's room as I was getting him dressed, with Izzy stuck to him like glue. It's been hard trying to get those two apart, she is definitely a Daddy's girls, and he lets everyone know about it. The name Izzy has also stuck, although, she does still often get Bell or Bella, and Jace is still calling her Isbell, which is adorable.

"No, did you try the wash basket in our room?" I said while not taking my eyes of Nick, as he was trying to roll over while I was putting on his little track pants. 

"Yeah, I can't find it anywhere, and I want her to wear it today." he whined and started to pout, oh god, please don't start that now, everyone is going to be here soon. I don't know why he has to put her in that, he always makes her wear it everytime we go out, so he can show his little princess. 

"Just find her something else, she has heaps there, surely one of those other outfits are suitable." I said, now picking up Nick and sitting him on my hip, he's gonna be tall just like Matty, Izzy and I will be the shorties of this family. My little Nick is a Mummy's boy, he's such a cutie, and I could squish his chubby little cheeks all day.

"But I wanted that one, if I can't find it, I'm buying her another one." he grumbled, then took her back into her room, I rolled my eyes, he's such a pain in the ass sometimes.

"Daddy is being silly, let's go find you something other than my hair to chew on , sweetie." I said to Nick as I walked out of his room and headed down stairs. The boys were all outside playing when I entered the familyroom, to put Nick down on the playmat, with his toys. He has been the worst so far with teething, that he's constantly dribbling, chewing on anything in sight and up all night crying. 

"How's the mad house, today?" Katie asked as she walked through the doors, with Kaleb trailing behind her. It's unusal to see her rocking up this late, she's normally the first here, Scott and Hannah had beat her here. They were outside starting to set up while Matty and I went to change Izzy and Nick, Cade and Kale are up to no good by the sounds of things. 

"Good so far, it's the biggest one out of the lot of them, that's being a pain." I chuckled and sat down on the couch behind Nick, to keep my eyes on him.

"Brax?" she said with her face scrunched up and looked out the back, Brax was happily pushing Lexi on the swing.

"No, your brother, fussing over Izzy's outfit, again." I shook my head, he does this on a daily basis, I'm surprised he hasn't given himself any grey hairs over it. 

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