The Ultimate Restriction

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The Ultimate Restriction

17th December 2019 (30 weeks and 4 days)

Summer's POV

"Can I go home today? I've been doing the same thing there, resting." I asked Doctor Watson, yep, I am back in this bloody hospital, last night I started bleeding again. Matty nearly had heart failure, when I had woken up and found a small spot of blood on my knickers. I was rushed here immeadiately, and put through all those tests again. I'm really starting to hate this place and I just want to be at home with my boys.

"I'm sorry Summer, but you have to stay here, I'm not risking anything else, if you're not here." he said sternly as he sat on the edge of my bed, he was doing his morning rounds, and has checked me and the babies, to see how we are doing. He told me that the blood pretty much stopped straight away, which is good and Nick had also turned fully into the breech position, so he's like Bell now, and he's even made some room for her, like a good little boy.

"How long do I have to stay this time?" I asked as I slumped back on the bed, I'm getting sick of being restricted to the fucking bed, I can't do a god damn thing. I could hear Matty chuckle lightly, he knows how I hate just being here, at least at home, I have things to entertain me, like watching the boys play, and feel a lot more comfortable in my own surroundings.

"You're not going to like what I'm about to say." he said looking down at my chart and then back at me, his expression looked apologetic. Great, I'll be in here for Christmas day, and I'm going to miss present time, and I won't get to see the boys excited faces when they open them.

"I'll be still here, for Christmas." I said sighing, he nodded his head slightly.

"I'm afraid so, Summer, I want you close, so I can keep my eyes on you." he said firmly, and looked over to Matty who was sitting next to me, who nodded, understanding what he meant.

"Babe, you have to do this, you'll survive, it's only for a week or so, right?" Matty said to me, then asked Doctor Watson, which is just easier calling him by his name, Ethan, because I see him too much for my liking, but he's a great guy, so it's not too bad..

"I'm sorry, Matt, I need her to stay in here until the birth of the twins, it's just too dangerous now being away from urgent medical assistance." he said  softly while looking between us, I groaned that could be weeks from now if everything settles down. The blood loss from last night was gone by this morning, but he told me, if I get one more spot of blood, Nick and Bell will be born, in a matter of minutes.

"Can you narrow that down into weeks for me?" I asked, at least I could get some idea, so I can prepare for the long boring stay, because I can't have the boys here all day and night.

"I've booked a caesarean for you on the twenty seventh of January, when you're roughly thirty six weeks, that's our goal, but any more bleeding, or clots, even a rise in your blood pressure, you''ll be having an emergency caesar." he said looking at some scribble on his piece of paper, at least I can kind of read his handwriting not like others.

"That's six weeks from now." I whined, six fucking weeks! I'll die of boredom in half that time.

"Yes, but I'm giving you this opportunity to give them an even better chance, otherwise I'd have already delivered them last night, please don't fight me on this Summer, with constant monitoring, and medication, we can get them to the thirty six weeks, maybe even further." Ethan sighed and actually looked quite certain that, this could help. Matty nudged me gently in the shoulder so I could look at him, by the looks of it, he agrees with him.

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