Surprise Baby

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Surprise Baby

Seven Years Later.... (Matty, 52, Sums, 44; Brax, 18; Jace, 17; Aidan and Cade, 14; Nick and Izzy, 12; Lexi, 17; Tyler, 19)

28th August 2032 (Ebony's 21st Birthday)

Braxton's POV

"Come on, Baby, wake up." my sexy girlfriend Lexi shouted in my ear, shit baby, not so loud, it's not helping with my hangover. I blame Tyler for that, he thought it'd be a great idea to go drinking last night, even though tonight, we have his sister's twenty first birthday party to go to.

"I'm up." I groaned, as I untangled my naked self from hers and climbed out the bed, my head was beggining to pound like a bitch and I knew I was going to get a migrane. I found my boxers and pulled them on before sitting on the edge of my bed, she crawled over to me, and climbed over to straddle me. Her arms snaked around my neck, her fingers gliding through my hair, as I wrapped my arms around her thin waist, my hands reaching down, feeling her tight little ass in my hands, I felt my dick shift, as she started to turn me on again.

"Come on, I know you want too, I can feel it." she said in her seductive sexy voice, and wriggled her hips over my now even harder groin. She's right, I do want too, but I'm not going to, I'm out of condoms, I know she's on the pill, but that still won't change my mind, not gonna happen, I don't want any kids just yet.

"I'd love too, Baby, but no protection, no sex." I said as I stood up and put her down on the floor, she started to pout, which is annoyingly sexy on her. Lexi and I have been together as a couple since I asked her out, nearly two years ago now, our anniversary will be coming up in October. We only started having sex at the start of this year, after we went out partying with our friends on new years eve, it needed some fine tuning at the start, but it's pretty awesome now, I love being that close to her.

Yes, I was a virgin, and I'm proud to admit that, I saved it for the best girl in the world, my girl, my LexiBaby. It's not like we never fooled around with each other, before that, we just wanted to wait, and to see how our relationship went before jumping right in. there was no rush to do it. Dad did help me with my decision as well, he's been a really awesome support and is always there if I need to talk to him, which is quite a bit.

"Don't you dare do that face, Babe, I mean it." I warned her, and pushed her back gently in my arms length and tried to escape from looking at that face.

"Please, can't you go get some from Jace, I'm sure he uses them, with Ashley." she whined, her pout picked up a gear, and I groaned, why does she have to do this to me, she knows I'm gonna cave in soon.

"Baby, the images of my brother having sex, is not something I wish to see, so please don't mention that again." I complained, and pulled her back into my arms, just to feel her silky smoothe skin caress mine.

"What about your Dad? surely your parents still have sex." she grumbled, still trying to get me to have sex with her, hell she's horny this morning. When we got back here at one this morning, she attacked me as soon as we walked into my room and we ended up only falling alseep after four.

"Lex, enough, and don't ever let those words slip out of your mouth again." I said sternly, first Jace having sex with Ash, now the dreaded parent sex, gross.

"But I'm dying here, Brax, I need it right now." she begged, holy shit, no no no, Baby don't beg, and fuck, don't start running those smoothe little hands up and down my chest like that. I was as hard as I could get, and just feeling her do that, had my blood boiling.

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