Trouble Turns Two

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Trouble Turns Two

23rd November 2019 (27 weeks and 1 day)

Matthew's POV

I've never felt so mentally drained before in my life, the past two weeks have proved that. Sums had ended up staying in hospital for nine days, and even still here at home, she is on restrictions. Mum and Dad have moved in, just until the babies are born, to help out with the kids and if I need to take Sums back to hosptial, they'll be here, and am I grateful for that. There's only so much you can do on your own, before it starts to break you down.

They are staying up in our room, as I have set up a bed for Sums and I in the games room, since I have banned her from using the stairs. She wasn't too happy about that, because she wouldn't be able to tuck Cade and Aidan into bed, but I get them to tuck her in instead, and they are happy with that. Speaking of my little trouble makers, it's their birthday today and they have finally reached those terrible twos, I really do hope that saying is all a bunch of bullshit.

I am curled up behind my very heavily pregnant wife, as we lay in bed, it's Saturday, which means sleep in day for me. Well, I'm trying to have it as a sleep in, but there's an awful lot of noise coming from the background, but it doesn't matter, I'm still resting. Sums is snoring softly, so I just hope she doesn't wake up, she needs more rest than anyone, and I know she's been finding it hard to sleep.

"Matt." I heard dad say before he started to nudge me in the shoulder, geez old man, no need to be rough.

"What?" I asked with a yawn and carefully detached myself from Sums, then turned my head to look at him.

"Are we leaving the gifts until lunch time, when everyone else is here?" he asked, I groaned, I thought I told him this already!

"Yep, I want Sums to be able to watch, and I want her resting until then." I said softly, I might as well get out and go have a nice hot shower. I don't know who's idea was it to have a small party for them, but as long as my wife doesn't over do it, I'm fine.

"Matt, you're going to drive her crazy with your over protective nature, I can't say I understand how you feel, because I don't but all this worry and stress is going to give you a heart attack, and possibly a black eye from Summer, you need to calm down, Son." Dad said as I stood up from the bed, wearing the full set of pyjamas, that mum made me wear, she said she's seen enough of me naked, when I was younger.

"I know, it just hard, Dad, all I keep thinking is that I'm going to lose all three of them, and the nightmares I'm having aren't helping with that either, they are worse, I just don't know what to do, I don't even know if it's enough." I said softly, as I looked down at my sleeping beauty, who had grabbed another pillow and held on to it tightly.

"You are doing a fantastic job, you get the boys up in the morning, bathe, feed and dress them, before you even go to work, and then as soon as your home, you play with each one, and organise dinner, and all that is with making sure Summer is comfortable and happy, you are doing all that on your own, your mum and I are just here to lend our support, and to help if you need it, and be here with Summer when you are out, you are doing just fine." dad smiled and then pulled me in for a hug.

"Thanks for being here, it really does mean a lot." I told him honestly, they have been a huge support for Sums and I, I can't thank them enough.

"Will you be alright down here, if I go take a shower?" I asked him as we walked toward the kitchen, mum had the boys sitting at the table eating breakfast. Mum has gone all out this morning, there's bacon and eggs, pancakes, about a loaf of bread in toast, juice, and the coffee, god that smells good.

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