A Happy Taylor Christmas

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A Happy Taylor Christmas

25th December 2019 (31 weeks and 5 days)

Matthew's POV

I started my morning by doing my santa duties and piling the presents underneath the Christmas tree. There's one that can't be put out until Sums comes home for the few hours, that she's allowed out, and that one has been kept in the laundry. We are having a small lunch this year, so it will be us, mum, dad, Kaleb, Katie and thier kids. I didn't want too much of a crowd here to overwhelm her, she's been doing really well this week, and we would like it to stay that way.

Mum will be doing her famous pork roast with crackling, with all the trimmings, and knowing her, she'll be already in the kitchen getting it all ready. It is going to be warm today, around the mid thirties, but even with the heat, she wants to cook a decent meal for Sums. She's really not liking that hospital food, I found out, that mum has been sneaking in there to give her some home cooked goodies. 

I walked through my wife's hospital room, that half looks like a florist exploded in here, and almost looks like our bedroom, with all her things in here, our photos scattered through the room. I could hear the shower running, so I sat down in the recliner chair to wait for her. She has been so excited about coming home today, well we all are, not having her at home, does make it feel really empty.

"Do I look alright, Baby?" my head snapped to the bathroom  door, when I heard her speak, wow, she looks beautiful. She has braided her hair on the side, and is wearing a long dress that, shows of her sexy bump nicely, it's bright yellow, it suits her quite well.

"You sure do, you look beautiful." I smiled, and stood up and walked over to her, and wrapping my arms around her gently. I breathed in her amazing perfume, I just want to hold her, it makes me feel better, I miss her like crazy.

"Is everything all set at home?' she asked, and I could hear her breathing in deeply, her face was pressed into my chest, I know she's doing the same thing I am.

"Yep, we just need you, so let's go." I smiled, pressed my lips to hers as she looked up at me, I can't wait until she comes home. We broke apart, she picked up her handbag, and sat down in the wheelchair, that she claimed the other day, apparently it's the most comfy. I wheeled her down to the nurses station to sign her out, it's nine now, and she has to be back by two, for her next lot of medication. So that gives her a good five hours at home, to spend some time with the boys.

"Do you want me to leave this here?" I pointed down to the wheelchair, once I had her buckled into to the car, she looked at me and then the chair.

"Don't be stupid, if you dump that inside, I'll never find it again." she whined, I rolled my eyes, it's a wheelchair for crying out loud, there's hundreds more.

"Fine, we'll take it, god forbid, someone else uses it." I laughed, and took it around to the boot, and folded it up for her. I jumped in the car, and she had the biggest grin on her face, which made me smile, she looks so happy, and that is the only thing I wanted from her today.

"You know, our babies will be here in like five weeks, how exciting is that." she said to me, as I drove out the carpark and headed home.

"It's very exciting, I can't wait to meet them, and bring them home, we sure will be packed to the rafters." I chuckled, I rested my hand on her thigh as I drove carefully, if there are idiots on the road like there was on the way here, I need to be, bloody crazy drivers.

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