Something's Missing

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Something's Missing

You'll be extremely happy once you've found that something missing, but then again, maybe not!

28th June 2019 

Summer's POV

I was so glad to come to work this morning, Matty was driving me crazy, and he has been for ever since he got home after his surgery. I swear, between him and our sons, he is acting the worst, out of the lot of them. Cade and Aidan have even been behaving better than that husband of mine. He's been stressing me out so much, I felt like choking him to death.

"Babe, get me this, get me that, it hurts, can we have sex yet? I'm dying here", that is what I have been putting up with, so work is my saviour. We have about seven premmies in the NICU today, I am head RN of the unit now, which I've worked hard to achieve, and I love it. Somedays are hard, when we lose a little life, but the others make up for it when we get to see them grow stronger, and get to go home.

"Summer, baby Alex is ready to be transferred to the rose ward." Danni said, she's a brand new Registered Nurse, fresh out of Uni, and has been doing a great job so far. I remember when I started, it can be a little traumtic at times, but she's a trooper.

"Thanks Danni, here's all his charts that will need to go with him." I smiled and handed her his thick file, Alex was born at twenty-four weeks gestation and is big enough now to breathe on his own, his vitals have improved so much. He has lived his first ten weeks in here with us, and now he gets to stay in the rose ward, where he will stay for about another two, before he can go home.

"Oh, remember a few weeks ago, when I asked if I could have next weekend off, there's a shift written down, and I can't do it." she asked as she was about to leave the nurses station with the files. Crap! I knew I forgot to do something.

"Sorry Danni, I'll fix it up for ya." I smiled and then waved her off. The stupid roster is a mess as it always is, now I have to find a replacement, such a fucking pain in the ass. I grabbed it off the shelf that it lives in and opened up next weeks sheet.

God! it's July in two days, time flies, that's for sure. I pulled out Danni's leave request form that she gave me that day, which she filled out on the twenty-forth of May. Now I remember that day, I got my period that morning and I was cramping like hell, and my mind was all over the place, no wonder I had forgotten. Hmmm, I tilted my head to the side, my eyes looked up to the ceiling as I tried wrapping my brain with the dates.

Something is not right here, she filled this out five weeks ago, I haven't had my peri...OH FUCK! my eyes nearly popped out of my head, when I realised I'm a week late. I quickly ran to my handbag that I had locked up in the drug room and whipped my diary out, faster than a lightening bolt. I opened the current week, then the previous, and notice the big red circle around the twenty-first, FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! SEVEN DAYS FUCKING LATE! 

How haven't I noticed this before now? I looked down at my watch and noticed it was nearly time for me to have a lunch break. I could sneak off now and run down to the pharmacy that they have on the ground floor and pick up a test. Yeah, I think I'll do that, right now. I shoved my diary back into my bag and threw it over my shoulder, and let the girls know that I was heading out for lunch.

I made my way down to pick up a test, which I did very quickly and found one of the staff toilets, much more private in there. I brought one that had three tests in it, can never be to sure and used each one, and placed them on the counter to wait for the results.

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