What Did You Say?

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What did you say?

The most common phrase used, when either you didn't hear what was said, or you need them to repeat it, because you thought you heard them wrong the first time.

28th June 2019 ( Later that same day...)

Matthew's POV

Fuck it feels good feeling like a man again, since the op and everything, things are looking good, when you get that morning wood, it feels fucking awesome. I'm ready to dive back into my sexy wife, but still have to play it safe for a couple more weeks, to make sure I'm fully clear of sperm. I don't really want to find out if I slipped up and knocked Sums up again, I'm pretty she'd murder me.

Scott has come to visit, and bought his nearly four year old daughter Lexi, who is playing quietly with Brax. Jace is off running around outside, while Cade and Aidan went into daycare today, who will be picked up by Sums. It's been a quiet morning, Brax spent half his day at kindy, which he has one week left, before he starts school next term. So it was just me and my J-Man home for a few hours.

"We'll have to keep our eyes on those two, when they get older." Scott said and nodded his head toward Brax and Lexi, who were lying next to each other on the floor, doing some colouring in. Little Lexi is a mixture of Scott and Hannah, with his blue eyes and dark blonde hair, and her lips, nose, and face shape, she's definitely gonna be popular.

"Yep, I don't think I want you as an In law." I joked, that is something I'm not looking forward too, is when my sons want to start dating, and bring girls back to the house. 

"You say that now, just you watch and see." he laughed, comments like that are so uncalled for.

"Shut up will ya, you're the one with the daughter, that's gonna be hell with those raging teenage chick hormones." I laughed, because as soon as I said that he stopped and looked over at Lexi with a frown.

"Ok, you're right there, just make sure that you teach that son of yours to wrap it up, with your track record with producing, he will more than likely take after you." now it was my turn to frown, Fuck! that's gonna be an interesting conversation that day.

"You do realise that we have like another twelve or so years to start worrying about shit like that." I said and looked back over to our kids, Brax was helping Lexi with hers, and passing her the colours to use. Little smarty pants that boy.

"Yes, so let's change the subject because I think I just had a mini heart attack thinking about it." Scotty whined and held his hand over his heart for the dramatic effect.

"Look what I found eating some snails." Nate said as he walked in with Jace under his arm, and he was squirming around. Yuck! 

"I guess lunch wasn't enough for him." I laughed, and shook my head, Nate released Jace who sat down with Brax and Lexi. Kids! I wonder what other bugs he's been eating, lucky I haven't used any poisons on the garden, otherwise I'd be more worried.

"Where's that brother of mine?" Scott asked Nate, after he pulled up a seat next to us at the table.

"Still fart assing around at the site, I left him there." Nate laughed, Adam is always doing something after we all knock off work, crazy if you ask me.

"Typical." Scott laughed, which got a nod in agreement from both Nate and I.

"You two on baby watch?" Nate asked and looked over to the three kids, who are quietly playing, that won't last long, Aidan and Cade will be home soon. Jace looks like he's about to fall asleep any second, he hasn't stopped all day, until now.

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