Heartbreak Girl- Luke Hemmings

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Alex's POV 

"Luke comes back today," my best friend Bec said casually to me.

"Really, I had no idea!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

"Did you miss him?" she asked softly.

"Did you miss Ashton?" I asked. Bec and Ashton have been dating for  5 years. Bec is a year older than me but that doesn't stop us being best friends.

"Of course I did, that's a stupid question!".

"My point exactly," I said and we both laughed.

"Do you still like him?" Bec asked and I sighed.

Luke Hemmings and I have been best friends since I can remember. Our parents are friends so we grew up together. I started to really like Luke in year 7 and I was going to ask him out in year 8 but then I left for boarding school in Adelaide.

"Of course I do" I sighed taking my glasses off. My glasses were like those hipster ones but real and I hate wearing them.

"And I'm pretty sure he likes you," Bec said as I put my contacts in.

"Bullshit, he's still hung up over Alison," I said bitterly. Alison, Luke's ex-girlfriend. No offence but she is a bitch. 

"Nah Alex, pretty sure he hates her" Bec said smirking and I laughed.

"Do you think he will of changed?" I asked anxiously.

"Not at all". I smiled and the door bell rang and my breath hitched in my throat.

I don't know why I'm so anxious to see Luke. Then again I get anxious about everything.

"THERE HERE OH MY GOD!" Bec squealed and she dragged me down stairs.

Bec opened the door while I leaned against the wall and she kissed Ashton straight away.

I've only ever had one boyfriend, Josh and that was last year. Josh was a great guy and he is from Sydney too. I think he knew that I liked Luke because when we broke up he told me that we are better off friends. And the strange thing is, we are.

"Excuse me but where is my favourite blonde person in the whole world?" Calum asked Bec and I smiled.

"What about me?" another voice asked. Luke.

I saw Luke standing behind Calum, towering over him. He had on a Nirvana black t-shirt, black skinny leg jeans and full black Vans.

Despite it nearing Summer in Sydney, it was quite cold today.

"WHERE ARE YOU BLONDIE?" Calum yelled through my house.

"Shh, Will is asleep," I said walking out. William is my twin brother and we look exactly alike, apart from the fact he is a guy and I'm a girl.

"Always one to put others first Alex" Calum said pulling me into a hug and I smiled. Out of all the boys apart from Luke, of course, Calum and I are really close.

"I've missed you Cal," I said while hugging him.

"I've missed you too Ally," he said back which made me smile.

"HAVE YOU MISSED ME?" Ashton yelled running over from Bec's arms and giving me a hug.

"Of course Ash but have any of you been to see your families?" I asked.

"Alex it's 3pm we got in at 7am" Ashton said.

"Oh right" I said giggling. My Mum was away for two weeks on a business trip and my parents are divorced. We would usually stay with my Dad but we are nearly 18 now.

"PAYTON!" Michael yelled pulling Ashton away from me.

"CLIFFORD!" I yelled back.

"How's my favourite twin?" he said hugging me.

"Don't let Will hear you say that?" I said giggling and hugging him back.

"I won't and besides the point, Luke wants to hug you now," Michael said in my ear which made me blush.

After Michael left Luke and I were alone in the front lounge room. His hair was still blonde but shorter and styled into a messy quiff. His eyes still a sparkling blue, he was still really tall and had the cute smile on his face.

"I've missed you," Luke said awkwardly. We are both very awkward people.

"I've missed you too," I said as he hugged me.

"You actually have no idea how much I missed you," Luke said into my neck. I smiled and hugged him tighter.

"I do have an idea, I've missed you heaps as well," I said and we broke apart.

Luke looked tired, really tired. But before I could say anything Luke got there first.

"You look really tired," he said to me and I rolled my eyes.

"That's probably because I had exams all last week and finished school, why do you look so tired?" I asked.

"Because travelling wears you out," he said simply. I nodded and we walked into my lounge room silently.

Luke's POV

Alex hasn't changed one bit. I'm not one to keep details on how people look or act or what they wear but with Alex, it's different.

Like today, for example, she was wearing a black crop top which said 'Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It' denim high waisted jeans and white Converse.

I've been dropping hints to Alex since year 8 that I like her. But she hasn't got the message.

"Do you guys wanna do something tomorrow?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah but what?" I asked sitting down on the couch next to Michael. Alex sat down next to Calum and I felt a wave of jealousy going through me.

"We could go get lunch and then hang at the park?" Michael suggested.

"Just like old times," Alex said resting her head on Calum's shoulder.

"So we should meet at Greg's Fish and Chips at 12, order and then go to the park?" Bec suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Who has their P's?" I asked.

"We do!" Alex and Bec said in unison.

"I'll pick Calum, Michael and Ashton up," Bec said winking at me. That little bastard.

"Guess I'll be taking you," Alex said to me with a smile.

We continued talking for ages but then Michael, Ashton, Bec and Calum had to get home.

"SEE YOU TOMORROW HOMIE!" Alex yelled at Bec.

"BYE DIPSHIT!" Bec yelled back laughing.

"Is Will still asleep?" I asked Alex after they had left.

"Nah, he left ages ago, didn't you hear him come down stairs?" Alex asked and I shook my head.

"Are you home alone tonight?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yeah I'm fine, I will probably start watching Gossip Girl again," Alex said with a laugh which made me smile.

"Or you could sleep over!".

"I'll cheek with my Mum first". Alex nodded and went upstairs to get changed.

To- Mum :)
Hey Mum, can I sleep over at Alex's tonight? x

From- Mum :)
Yeah sure! x

To- Mum :)
Thanks! I'll see you tomorrow night.

I really had no idea why I was asking since we live next door and all but I haven't seen my family in a while and they might have wanted to have dinner with me or something.

"Where do you wanna sleep?" Alex asked walking down stairs again her hair in a messy bun and she had glasses on?!

"You didn't tell me you wore glasses!" I exclaimed and she blushed. To be honest, she actually looked really cute.

"I only got them 4 months ago". I nodded and we set up a bed in Alex's room. It hasn't changed really. New pictures had been added to her wall and it was a little bit messier than usual but apart from that theirs no change.

I looked at the pictures on her wall, many with friends but one stood out for me. It was her at her formal, in Adelaide because she bordered there and Josh Mills from down the road! He was kissing her cheek and she was smiling like crazy. I'm not the biggest fan of Josh Mills, he's a bit if a dick sometimes.

"Is that Josh Mills?" I asked pointing to the photo of them.

"Oh yeah".

"Did he go to your brother school in Adelaide?" I asked.

"Yep". She knows that I don't like him that much.

"Did you guys date?" I asked awkwardly.

"No". I felt a weight being lifted off my chest when she said that.

You know when you miss someone so much that it hurts? That's how I felt when I didn't get to see Alex for a year.

Sure we skyped and stuff but I never got to see her in person and it sucks because sometimes you feel empty without them.

You get to know every single tiny detail about the person you like. For example, Alex always faces the left when she sleeps and she always orders chicken nuggets from McDonald's and she has a scar on her wrist from where her cat cut her.

It's a little bit like an obsession but you kind of stop when you know they don't like you back.


guess whos back but with 5SOS :) I should really finish stories before I start new ones lol

Sorry about the names but who doesn't want to be dating Luke Hemmings?

Alex's outfit is the external link!

If you wanna see a picture of Alex's hair colour type in 'blonde hair tumblr' on google and its the first photo that comes up :)

Comment and vote please <3

Lots of love,

~Alex xx

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