Chapter 7

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Alex's POV =) 

Luke and I ended up staying up really late last night watching movies and he kept freaking about today. 

I kept asking him to sing for me. But he never did. I don't understand why he won't sing for me when he has such an amazing voice. 

Bec came over again. But then when is Bec not at my house? 

"Are you excited for tonight?" I asked her while fish tailing my hair. 

"Yes oh my god they are going to be so amazing!" Bec exclaimed. 

"What song are you looking forward to the most?" I asked Bec finishing off my hair. 

"Um probably Try Hard, you?". 

"Heartbreak Girl is my favourite" I said and Bec bit her lip. 

"What?" I asked clueless. 

"Oh nothing" Bec said and I rolled my eyes. 

I eventually chose my outfit. I put on a black muscle tank with the moon phases on it, light wash denim shorts, white Converse, pearl suds and my sunglasses which I didn't really need. 

"Ready to go?" I asked Bec who was quickly putting on some lipstick. 

"Yep!". We walked down stairs and said goodbye to my Mum and I we got in Bec's car. 

"AND WE DANCED ALL NIGHT TO THE BEST SONG EVER!" Bec and I screamed. We are both massive fans of One Direction, Bec being a Harry girl and me being a Louis girl. 

Once we arrived at the venue there were girls everywhere! 

"Holy shit" I mumbled under my breath. Bec took my hand we walked inside the venue. 

"Do you have your backstage pass?" Rebecca asked me as we neared security. I nodded and pulled it out of my pocket. 

We showed the guy our passes and we were let backstage. Maria and Adi ran over do us and gave us hugs. 

"Are you nervous for Luke?" Adi asked me and I shook my head. 

"He'll be amazing, he always is". We walked over to where they were getting ready and we found them in a fit. All running around in their underwear. 

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked. They stopped and looked at me. 

"We have no idea what do wear!" Ashton yelled and I rolled my eyes going to wear their clothes were thrown everywhere and picking out outfits for all of them. 

"Thanks Ally!" Calum said as he was putting on his jeans. 

Luke was wearing a blue and white short sleeve shirt which is Calum's, black jeans and full black Vans. 

"You did a good job" Liz said walking over to me and I grinned. 

"It was nothing really". 

"They should hire you as their stylist full time" Liz said and I laughed, thinking she was joking. I looked up at her and her face was serious. 

"Maybe one day but not now, I have too much to do" I said and Liz smiled. 

I walked over to Luke who was practicing Superhero. 

"He said tonight I'm a superhero, watch me fly I'll never get low" Luke sung and I grinned. 

"Why don't you sing more often?" I asked and he turned around. 

"I don't know I guess I'm scared that small groups won't like me" Luke said his blue eyes sparkling. 

"I like your voice" I said and he grinned. He pulled me I'm for a hug and then I got Adi to get a photo of us. 

"Before you get too sweaty" I said and he laughed. 

He's killing me right now. 

"BOYS YOU ARE ON IN 10!" Adam yelled and then Luke went over to them. 

Before they went on I got a text from Josh, which rarely happens. 

From- Josh Mills:) 
Hey Alex, do you wanna catch up tomorrow? :) 

To- Josh Mills :) 
Yeah sure, lets meet at mine at 11? x 

From- Josh Mills :) 
I'll see you then! xo 

"Who are you texting?" Maria asked me. 

"Josh" I mumbled. None of my friends really like Josh and I have no idea why. 

"Oh right". Maria looked a bit worried and glanced over to Luke who was looking at me. I shot him a grin which he returned. 

"30 SECONDS BOYS!" Adam yelled. 

Luke came over and I gave him a hug. 

"You'll be amazing, I know you will!". 

"Thanks Ally" Luke said letting go and then he had to go on stage. I smiled and then the girls and I went to our seats. 

There was a little mosh pit area and that's where we were, right at the back but we didn't mind. 

They ran on stage and the girls went crazy as they started to sing Out Of My Limit. 

"OH MY GOD LUKE FUCK ME!" a girl yelled and I started laughing my head off. 

"Some of these fans are crazy!" Bec yelled over the screaming. 

"Ok so um this song is dedicated to someone special here tonight" Luke said and the cords of Heartbreak Girl started playing. 

The girls eyes were on me and I started to get really confused. 

"Are you not getting the hints?" Adi asked face palming. 

"What hints?" I asked really clueless. What is going on right now?! 

"!" Maria exclaimed but luckily no one heard. 

"Stop bull shiting me, I'm way out of his league". 

"Tell that to him" Bec said under her breath but I heard her. Loud and clear. 

Luke's POV =) 

"THANKYOU SYDNEY!" I yelled out into the crowd. I could see Alex and the girls at the back smiling. 

We said our final goodbyes and then left the stage. 

"Wow that was amazing!" Ashton said grabbing a towel and wiping the sweat off his face. 

"It's always amazing" Michael said and we all grinned. 

"HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS WERE GOOD!" Alex yelled running towards us. I smiled and she jumped onto me giving me a hug. 

"Thank you for coming" I whispered in her ear. 

"It's ok". We broke apart and she went and hugged all the other guys. 

"So what should we do now?" Bec asked. 

"I need food" Calum said. The guys and I nodded in agreement. 

"Wanna go to Nandos?" Adi suggested. We all nodded and quickly packed up all our stuff. 

"Are there any fans out?" Michael asked. 

"Hold on I'll cheek" Alex said running outside. 

My phone went off and I had a text. 

From- Allyyyyyyyy :) 
your all clear! x 

I grinned at how cute she is. 

"We are all good" I said smiling. We all walked outside and I saw Alex standing in the middle of the pathway. 

"Let's go do Nandos food oh my god" Maria said and we laughed.

Alex and I got in Bec's car with Ashton, Alex and I sitting in the back. 

"Guys I wanna tweet something" Alex said out of no where. 

"Well that was random" Ashton said. Alex laughed and pulled out her phone. She started laughing again and she tweeted the tweet. 

I went on my twitter and looked at what she had tweeted. 


"Oh wow Alex, how nice" I said trying not to laugh but failing. 

"You love me" she said texting someone back. 

"Of course I do" I mumbled under my breath. 

We arrived at Nando's the one kind of close to mine and Alex's houses. 

"Shit what do I get?" Calum said freaking out.

"Everything" Michael said and I rolled my eyes. 

Alex ordered first and I ended up ordering a large chicken wrap and a coke. 

Alex sat down next to me crossing her legs on the seat. 

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" I asked.

"Um yeah sorry Luke". 

"No that's ok, we can hang out later anyway" I said and she gave me a little smile. 

Once we had finished eating and paid, Alex and I said goodbye to everyone and we started walking home. 

"It's really creepy at this time of night "Alex said taking my hand which sent sparks through my body. 

"You'll be ok". We walked in silence until we got 5 minutes away from home. 

"Hey Luke?" Alex asked. 

"Yes?" I said as we neared our houses. 

"Can you sing for me one day?" Alex asked yawning. 

I smiled and she let go of my hand. Her eyes were tired and her fish tail was failing out. At least I think that's what it's called. 

"Of course I can". Alex smiled kissed my cheek. 

"Good night Luke". 

"Good night Alex" I replied with a slight grin



How are we all? ITS MY BRITHDAY IN 5 DAYS :D

Alex's Outfit is the external link!


Comment and vote please <3

Dedicatied to TjasaM because she always leaves cute comments :')

Lots of love,

~Alex xx

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